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Sunday, January 31, 2010

Douglas on New Media Tea Time Ep. 19 - Limoncello, Ning.com and more

From New Media Tea Time...

"Where high tech meets low tech for tea and chocolate. Part 2 talking with the amazing Douglas Welch about Ning communities, how he set his up and how the rest of us can do so too."

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Friday, January 29, 2010

Douglas guests on New Media Tea Time...again!

From the New Media Tea Time web site...

"Our resident New Media Expert, Doug Welch (DouglasEWelch.com) is back! Hosts Tracy Pattin and Danielle Gruen talk about eBooks and eBook trends (good news!) widgets, websites, blogs, themes, and of course tea!"

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Thursday, January 28, 2010

Video: Mathemagician Art Benjamin on the Colbert Report

Our friend, Mathemagician Art Benjamin, talks about his book, The Secrets of Mental Math on Wednesday's Colbert Report.

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Friday, January 22, 2010

At the end of the day Ep. 1 - Viruses and how much we learn when we teach

This is the "pilot" episode of a new series I am working on where I take a few moments at "the end of the day" and think about something that has happened, thoughts that have arisen that day and what lies ahead.

In this first episode, I talk about viruses and my computer consulting clients and also a little bit about how we learn a lot when we reach out to teach others.

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Saturday, January 16, 2010

Mathemagician Art Benjamin on the Colbert Report - Wed, Jan 27, 2010

Our friend, Art Benjamin, is scheduled to appear on the Colbert Report this Wednesday, January 27, 2010. I assume he will be talking about his work as a Mathemagician and his book, The Secrets of Mental Math.

Here is a re-post of the blog and video I write when Art was doing a book signing here in Sherman Oaks.

Previous Post:

In case you missed his presentation last night at Barnes & Noble Encino, here is a short video of Art Benjamin, Professor at Harvey Mudd College and Mathemagician, presenting "magic squares", just one of the concepts taught in his book. The Secrets of Mental Math.

Art regularly performs his MathMagic act The Magic Castle in Hollywood and is a frequent speaker around the country. He also presented at this year's TED Conference in Monterey, California.

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Friday, January 15, 2010

Video: Places LA - Malibu Pier

We had dinner tonight down at the Ruby's on the Malibu Pier, just to see and the hear the ocean for a little while. I grabbed this short video to give a little feeling of what it is like.

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Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Video: Train plowing snow off tracks

The snow has to be removed from the rails and this video shows us exactly how it is done. Quite a dramatic video.

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Friday, January 01, 2010

Video: Douglas and some friends play "Brown Eyed Girl"

Douglas and some friends play "Brown Eyed Girl" at a end-of-year jam session at David Fortin's art and music studio.

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Sunday, December 27, 2009

Video: Douglas guests on New Media Tea Time: Part 3

I had a great time recording 3 episodes of New Media Tea Time on Friday with Tracy Pattin and Danielle Gruen. Here is episode 3. You can watch it below or subscribe to the New Media Tea Time podcast in your RSS Reader.

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Video: Douglas guests on New Media Tea Time: Part 2

I had a great time recording 3 episodes of New Media Tea Time on Friday with Tracy Pattin and Danielle Gruen. Here is episode 2. You can watch it below or subscribe to the New Media Tea Time podcast in your RSS Reader.

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Friday, December 25, 2009

Video: Making the Christmas Lasagna

My wife is of Sicilian descent, so every year instead of turkey, ham or goose, we make our traditional Christmas Lasagna. Over the years we have taken a fairly plain recipe and dressed it up more and more, while still keeping it fairly traditional.

While my wife, Rosanne, puts the lasagna together, I contribute in 2 large ways. First, I make a big batch of my red sauce, which we use in everything from spaghetti to pizza and I also make homemade pasta sheets. I learned how to make pasta at home several years ago and this has become yet another Christmas Eve tradition for us.

In this video (15 mins) you'll see us making the pasta and assembling the lasagna itself. Enjoy!

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Food: Christmas Morning Oatmeal

The last thing I do before I head to bed on Christmas Eve is put together a batch of what I have come to call, Christmas Morning Oatmeal. This recipe, adapted from one by Alton Brown, worked so well the first year that I made a part of our Christmas for the last 6 or 7 years.

With a kid in the house, having to wait until breakfast is made could make them burst with excitement and anticipation, so this oatmeal allows us to get up, grab a bowl and some coffee and move right on to opening presents. I think this is a perfect compromise -- we get some food and the boy gets to move on with the festivities.

This short video was shot by aforementioned "boy", so it is a little rocky at times, but it gives you all the information your need and a little glimpse of our holiday in progress.

You can find a complete and printable recipe on Bakespace.com - Christmas Morning Oatmeal

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Thursday, December 24, 2009

Silent Film Version of A Christmas Carol

While watching today's Holiday Celebration at the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion I saw a group perform in front of a projection of an early silent film version of "A Christmas Carol."

A quick Google search turned up the entire film on YouTube and I have embedded it below. Enjoy!

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Monday, October 05, 2009

What is New Media Mastermind?

New Media can seem so confusing…Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Blogging, Audio, Video.

Which technology should you use? When? Why?

How do you use New Media, the Internet and all that is yet to come to build your personal and professional brand, sell your goods and services and more? You need a New Media Mentor, a coach, a friend — someone who can show you the path through the technology forest.

New Media Mastermind is a group dedicated to giving you the skills to make the most of the amazing New Media tools available today and in the future.

Start or build your business. Improve your life. Grow an organization.

New Media Mastermind is direct and personal access to a New Media professional who can advise and consult on your New Media plans and help you create step-by-step progress towards your business goals.


New Media Mastermind is …

  • Technology Coaching…in Plain English!
    • Makes even the most complicated concepts clear
    • Allows you to perform basic tasks on your own, on your schedule
  • Just in Time Learning
    • Learn what you need, when you need it
    • Develop “Action Plans” to insure your progress
    • Ask your most pressing questions
    • Learn from the Mastermind leader as well as your fellow group members
    • Learn to do for yourself, as much as you wish
  • Focused
    • Focused on your needs
    • Focused on your questions
    • Focused on your growth
    • Focused on results
    • Focused on action
  • Regularly reinforced
    • Regularly scheduled meetings allow support and follow-up on your action items and projects
    • Email updates provide further direction
    • Mastermind community provides support and advice
  • Local and Remote
    • Face-to-Face meetings
    • Online Community
    • Distance Learning through audio and video conferencing

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Monday, August 31, 2009

LA Wildfire Timelapse: Station & Hollywood Hills

My friend, Liam (@underseen) took this great timelapse of today's action on the Station fire.

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Monday, September 17, 2007

Douglas talks technology on SoHo Tech Podcast's Monday Night Tech

I had a great time on Monday Night Tech with host, Dean Jensen. We talked about what to do when moving an office, weird Norton Internet Security problems, new comptuers and more! You can watch the video below or listen to the audio from Talkshoe.com.

Click to listen to the audio-only version

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Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Podcasting for Writers at UCLA Extension

Today the UCLA Extension calendar for Summer 2007 was released to the public. Among the offerings is our new class, Podcasting for Writers -- a 10-week online course.

If you, or someone you know, would like to join us for this class, here is the complete information.

Rosanne and I are really looking forward to the class.

Podcasting for Writers (Online)
X 430.27 Film & Television 3 units $525

Podcasting has given writers direct access to a worldwide audience and freed them from absolute dependency on television networks, radio stations, and publishers to buy and market their work. To the audience, podcasting is "what you want, where you want it, when you want it," while to the podcast creator and producer, it is the ultimate creative freedom. This course covers the current state of this new medium; the basics of writing for it; and strategies for publicizing your podcast and expanding your readers, viewers, and listeners. Guest speakers available via audio and video podcast interviews, live interactive podcasts, and video conferences introduce you to the variety of ways you can use the medium. The course goal is to develop your own podcast based on individual professional or personal needs, interests, and goals. For technical requirements click here. Enrollment limited to 18 students. Additional technical requirements: Students need a recording device with microphone that is compatible with their computer; built-in microphones on laptops are acceptable. Students must have Apple iTunes software and access to audio recording software, such as Audacity or Apple GarageBand, to perform course exercises. High-speed Internet connection is required.

Course Open Reg# T3254U

No Textbook Required

Online Course
July 5 - September 6
$55 nonrefundable.

Rosanne Welch, writer/producer; WGA member whose credits include five seasons as staff writer, executive story editor, and producer on the CBS series Touched by an Angel. Ms. Welch also has written for Fox Broadcasting's Beverly Hills, 90210; Picket Fences for CBS and David E. Kelly Productions; and is the author of The Encyclopedia of Women in Aviation and Space.

Douglas E. Welch, writer and computer consultant, whose work has been published in Wired, MacWorld, and Los Angeles Times. Mr. Welch is a member of Friends in Tech, and produced his first show, Career Opportunities, in 2004. He has written and produced over 300 individual episodes and conducts podcasting seminars for schools and businesses.

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Monday, April 23, 2007

On Podcasting (and Blogging): Blogging and Podcast Tech Meetup

I was doing some thinking during my son's ball game tonight and my mind turned back to 2 recent experiences. Both times, I was sitting around with friends who are not really tech geeks like myself. That said, the conversation eventually turned to blogging and podcasting, which they each do in a small way.

These conversations ended up spinning out into mini-conferences on all the great new tools there are available, the conventions of blogging and podcasting (how most people do things) and how to figure out the tech side in order to get some great projects moving forward.

Tonight, via Twitter (you can find me at dewelch), I floated the idea of a Los Angeles-based meetup to talk blogging and podcasting tech. I get together with other groups to chat about content and such, but we NEVER have enough time to share ideas about how, technically, to accomplish some of our ideas.

While I certainly don't know everything, I think I know enough to help facilitate such a group. Nothing pleases me more than getting someone blogging or podcasting, even in a small way. While the site may be rough around the edges or the podcast a bit unrefined, I love the fact that I helped people to get their message out there. I have met enough people, with enough varied knowledge, that I think we need to get together and share that knowledge. There is a pent-up demand for this information. People are just dying to talk about it.

So, if you have any interest in getting together over drinks, food or whatever, for a short tech demo, followed by massive and useful Q&A on all things blogging and podcasting, drop me a line at myword@welchwrite.com. The main goal is to get the information you need to take the next step with your blog or podcast.

While this meeting will be hosted in LA, there is nothing really stopping us from sending out a ustream.tv stream or a Talkshoe conference call to anyone else who wants to join in. Why not use some of these new tools to spread the word? (SMILE)

Let me know what you think!

Here are some possible points for discussion:

  • Blogger
  • Wordpress
  • TypePad
  • MySpace
  • RSS feeds
  • FeedBurner
  • Web Hosting
  • Libsyn
  • Flickr
  • Recording and Editing Audio and Video
  • Advertising
  • Categories
  • Technorati
  • Amazon Affiliates
  • CDBaby
  • Directories
  • iTunes and its Quirks
  • ...and much, much, more!

Read more: Previous "On Podcasting" posts

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Monday, April 16, 2007

Become your own video broadcaster!

Have you ever wanted to become a broadcaster, sending your show out to tens or hundreds of people?

uStream.tv might just be the answer to your dreams. Using only your webcam, web browser and Flash plugin, you can be broadcasting to your friends, family or the world.

Here is a test run I gave the service with some of my fellow Friends in Tech members. It was done using only the built-in web cam on my laptop.

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Sunday, April 01, 2007

Douglas' Article in Podcast User Magazine

Podcast User Magazine pageMy profile of Goodnight Burbank producer, actor and writer Hayden Black, appears in this month's edition of Podcast User Magazine.

You can download the entire magazine as a PDF file from the link below.

"Born in Manchester, England, Hayden Black moved with his family to Fort Lauderdale, Florida in the early 80s. Little did he know at the time, in days long before podcasting existed, that this would lead to a very popular video podcast that has boosted his entertainment career to new levels.

As he sat at Art’s Deli in Studio City, California, enjoying bagels and lox, Hayden beamed as he recounted his latest publicity success, a ‘Best of the Web’ mention in the print edition of TV Guide. Hayden’s light and proper English accent lends a sense of elegance to his speech, despite his California casual attire." (Continues)

Link: Podcast User Magazine #15

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Thursday, March 29, 2007

Elsewhere Online: Letterpress Printing Video

Frame from letterpess videoAnother example of odd, little things that attract my attention.

This video story on letterpress printing caught my eye and ear and provided a short trip through a printmaster's craft and life.

A gentle little piece, and a perfect way to spend a few minutes in a hectic day.

Nice little video about letterpress printing.

(Via kottke.org.)

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Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Video Postcard - Downtown Los Angeles

This is a short video postcard (15 secs) that I shot at the Music Center in downtown Los Angeles yesterday. As some of you know, I was seated on what was to be a 3 week trial, but the case was settled today so I am back at work. It might take me a few days to get caught up, though.

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Saturday, February 10, 2007

Elsewhere Online: Google Maps Adds Metro Stations & Video

I have been paying more attention to blogs which discuss public transportation in Los Angeles, and the item below popped up today. While it is good news to see this Metro info appearing in Google Maps, another link at the bottom was even more interesting. It links to a video on the Metro system both present and future, produced by the blog, TMIV and the Dude.

Here is a sample of one of the videos. Check out their web site for more.

Google Maps Adds Metro Stations

I found out via Lifehacker that Google Maps quietly updated their New York City maps to include prominent buildings and subway stations, and apparently they’ve done the same for Los Angeles! Now all we need is Google Transit support and we’re all good.

Don’t forget: TMIV’s Google Earth KML files for Metro Rail

(Via MetroRiderLA.)

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