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Thursday, January 28, 2010

Video: Mathemagician Art Benjamin on the Colbert Report

Our friend, Mathemagician Art Benjamin, talks about his book, The Secrets of Mental Math on Wednesday's Colbert Report.

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Saturday, January 16, 2010

Mathemagician Art Benjamin on the Colbert Report - Wed, Jan 27, 2010

Our friend, Art Benjamin, is scheduled to appear on the Colbert Report this Wednesday, January 27, 2010. I assume he will be talking about his work as a Mathemagician and his book, The Secrets of Mental Math.

Here is a re-post of the blog and video I write when Art was doing a book signing here in Sherman Oaks.

Previous Post:

In case you missed his presentation last night at Barnes & Noble Encino, here is a short video of Art Benjamin, Professor at Harvey Mudd College and Mathemagician, presenting "magic squares", just one of the concepts taught in his book. The Secrets of Mental Math.

Art regularly performs his MathMagic act The Magic Castle in Hollywood and is a frequent speaker around the country. He also presented at this year's TED Conference in Monterey, California.

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Monday, October 05, 2009

What is New Media Mastermind?

New Media can seem so confusing…Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Blogging, Audio, Video.

Which technology should you use? When? Why?

How do you use New Media, the Internet and all that is yet to come to build your personal and professional brand, sell your goods and services and more? You need a New Media Mentor, a coach, a friend — someone who can show you the path through the technology forest.

New Media Mastermind is a group dedicated to giving you the skills to make the most of the amazing New Media tools available today and in the future.

Start or build your business. Improve your life. Grow an organization.

New Media Mastermind is direct and personal access to a New Media professional who can advise and consult on your New Media plans and help you create step-by-step progress towards your business goals.


New Media Mastermind is …

  • Technology Coaching…in Plain English!
    • Makes even the most complicated concepts clear
    • Allows you to perform basic tasks on your own, on your schedule
  • Just in Time Learning
    • Learn what you need, when you need it
    • Develop “Action Plans” to insure your progress
    • Ask your most pressing questions
    • Learn from the Mastermind leader as well as your fellow group members
    • Learn to do for yourself, as much as you wish
  • Focused
    • Focused on your needs
    • Focused on your questions
    • Focused on your growth
    • Focused on results
    • Focused on action
  • Regularly reinforced
    • Regularly scheduled meetings allow support and follow-up on your action items and projects
    • Email updates provide further direction
    • Mastermind community provides support and advice
  • Local and Remote
    • Face-to-Face meetings
    • Online Community
    • Distance Learning through audio and video conferencing

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Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Learn how to subscribe to a podcast

Learn How To Subscribe LogoEven if you listen to my podcasts directly from the web site, or see the Subscribe links on this page, you still may be wondering what this "subscription" thing is all about.

Well, here is a video that shows you exactly how to subscribe to podcast using iTunes or the Juice podcatching client.

Watch How to Subscribe to a Podcast

After you watch the video, you can use the links below to subscribe to My Word and and receive each new episode automatically.

Subscribe with iTunes

Copy this link to Subscribe using other podcatching clients or RSS feed readers

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Monday, April 23, 2007

On Podcasting (and Blogging): Blogging and Podcast Tech Meetup

I was doing some thinking during my son's ball game tonight and my mind turned back to 2 recent experiences. Both times, I was sitting around with friends who are not really tech geeks like myself. That said, the conversation eventually turned to blogging and podcasting, which they each do in a small way.

These conversations ended up spinning out into mini-conferences on all the great new tools there are available, the conventions of blogging and podcasting (how most people do things) and how to figure out the tech side in order to get some great projects moving forward.

Tonight, via Twitter (you can find me at dewelch), I floated the idea of a Los Angeles-based meetup to talk blogging and podcasting tech. I get together with other groups to chat about content and such, but we NEVER have enough time to share ideas about how, technically, to accomplish some of our ideas.

While I certainly don't know everything, I think I know enough to help facilitate such a group. Nothing pleases me more than getting someone blogging or podcasting, even in a small way. While the site may be rough around the edges or the podcast a bit unrefined, I love the fact that I helped people to get their message out there. I have met enough people, with enough varied knowledge, that I think we need to get together and share that knowledge. There is a pent-up demand for this information. People are just dying to talk about it.

So, if you have any interest in getting together over drinks, food or whatever, for a short tech demo, followed by massive and useful Q&A on all things blogging and podcasting, drop me a line at myword@welchwrite.com. The main goal is to get the information you need to take the next step with your blog or podcast.

While this meeting will be hosted in LA, there is nothing really stopping us from sending out a ustream.tv stream or a Talkshoe conference call to anyone else who wants to join in. Why not use some of these new tools to spread the word? (SMILE)

Let me know what you think!

Here are some possible points for discussion:

  • Blogger
  • Wordpress
  • TypePad
  • MySpace
  • RSS feeds
  • FeedBurner
  • Web Hosting
  • Libsyn
  • Flickr
  • Recording and Editing Audio and Video
  • Advertising
  • Categories
  • Technorati
  • Amazon Affiliates
  • CDBaby
  • Directories
  • iTunes and its Quirks
  • ...and much, much, more!

Read more: Previous "On Podcasting" posts

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Monday, April 16, 2007

TED Talks give you deep learning...for free!

TED Conference Web Site Screen ShotTED stands for Technology, Entertainment and Design and it is one of the most exclusive conferences in the world. That said, you can now see hundreds of the talks from TED from the comfort of your own computer.

There are talks on Technology, Science, Culture and more from some of the best known names in the world, including Bill Clinton, Jane Goodall, David Pogue and Frank Gehry.

The TED.com web site brings the world's foremost authorities right into your home or office. Check it out, but don't blame me if you lose yourself there. Of course, your time will be very well spent.

Giving Away Information, but Increasing Revenue (Bob Tedeschi/New York Times)

Giving Away Information, but Increasing Revenue — THOSE who don't have $6,000 or enough prominent connections to get into a TED conference can take heart. The price of admission just went to zero, provided you can settle for a more remote experience. — The TED organization …

Source: New York Times

Author: Bob Tedeschi

Link: http://www.nytimes.com/2007/04/16/technology/16ecom…

Techmeme permalink

(Via Techmeme.)

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Sunday, April 15, 2007

Screenwriting/Television Writing Book Recommendations

Today must be the day to update all online book lists.

I realized the my wife, Rosanne's book recommendations for screenwriting and television writing had never been put on her part of the site. So, you can now check it out using the link below.

Link: Screenwriting/Television Writing Recommended Books

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Saturday, March 31, 2007

Foodie Q&A with Chef Joanna from BarCampLA-3

Chef Joanna.com Logo

Chef Joanna gives a great presentation about Foodie Issues, including cooking pans, utensils, knives and more.

You can find more information on Chef Joanna at http://chefjoanna.com

Listen to Foodie Q&A with Chef Joanna

Podtrac Player
Pop It At popcurrent.com

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Saturday, March 24, 2007

BarCampLA: What do you want to do? Get help at SuperViva.com

Our first BarcCampLA session today is on the web site, SuperViva.com.

Here you can find others who are interested in achieving goals just like yours.

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Sunday, February 11, 2007

What I'm Reading....

Readymade is from the folks over at Readymade magazine, a great monthly available via subscription or on the newstand.

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