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Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Learn how to subscribe to a podcast

Learn How To Subscribe LogoEven if you listen to my podcasts directly from the web site, or see the Subscribe links on this page, you still may be wondering what this "subscription" thing is all about.

Well, here is a video that shows you exactly how to subscribe to podcast using iTunes or the Juice podcatching client.

Watch How to Subscribe to a Podcast

After you watch the video, you can use the links below to subscribe to My Word and and receive each new episode automatically.

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Friday, April 13, 2007

Seth Godin is collecting stories on "Not settling"

On his blog, The Dip, author Seth Godin is collecting some interesting career stories from folks who decided to leave behind what they thought was a great job for something more important. This is the first he has posted and well worth reading and thinking about.

Not settling

TZ wrote to me today. Here's his story about quitting and then becoming the best in the world:

I rose up the ranks in [name of bank] Bank Financial Group to become a Program Manager in Operations...specifically Change Management.

According to how my parents used to define success: I was a superstar. A 29 year old with a senior level position at a huge company with a safe salary, crazy benefits and a religious adherence to a 9-5 order.


(Via The Dip by Seth Godin.)

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Monday, February 12, 2007

JoAnn Braheny - Creativity Expert - on the next Career Opportunities LIVE

Join creativity and career consultant JoAnn Braheny for a LIVE interview and question and answer session.

Much like I believe that every career is a high-tech career, every career is also becoming a creative career. I'll discuss this topic and more with JoAnn.

Check out her blog, Goosing Your Muse and her Bio.

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