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Monday, September 07, 2009

What I'm Reading...Developing the Leader Within You by John C. Maxwell

Another in a series of leadership books I am reading. I have several areas, like
leadership, where I pick up nearly book I find on the topic.

I have read other books by John C. Maxwell over the years and typically find them very useful and engaging. I especially enjoyed Thinking for a Change from several years ago.

Developing the Leader Within has some excellent sections on change, change management and why it can be so difficult to change. While I struggle with change in my own life, like many people, I also often face extreme resistance to change in others bordering on the self-destructive. I am always amazed when faced with such vehement reactions to change, so any guidance I can find of the issue is very welcome.

You can find more books and products I have previously highlighted in my blogs and podcasts by visiting The WelchWrite Bookstore.

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Thursday, September 03, 2009

CareerCamp Fall 2009 Planning - Getting Started!

Join this discussion on the Career Opportunities Community Site

After we completed CareerCamp Online 2009, I knew I wanted to do it again in about 6 months. While it has been a bit longer than that, I am feeling the itch once again. This time I am undecided whether this will be an online CareerCamp, a face-to-face conference here in Los Angeles or, more likely a combination of both.

This is where you come in. I am looking for your advice and comments on what CareerCamp Fall 2009 should be. What talk would you like to present? What would you most like to see? Who should we invite to speak or should it be entirely an unconference? Where should we hold the event? When?

Let's use this discussion to get started. If we need/want to move to a wiki or some other planning tool, we can do that as we start to gain momentum.

Add your comments, questions, advice, recommendations as part of this discussion.

Let's get started!


Join this discussion on the Career Opportunities Community Site

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Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Billboard Cleanup

Returning from dinner tonight, I noticed that the billboard mentioned in my previous post, Clear Channel Clean up Your Billboard has been recovered. It is a new ad, for a new radio station, but it is certainly better than what was there.

Now begins the countdown to see how long it will go before being tagged. I hope that they put some thought in to preventing further access to the billboard.

Pictures of new billboard coming tomorrow. I will shoot them when I take my daily walk.
Zemanta Pixie

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Friday, April 13, 2007

Seth Godin is collecting stories on "Not settling"

On his blog, The Dip, author Seth Godin is collecting some interesting career stories from folks who decided to leave behind what they thought was a great job for something more important. This is the first he has posted and well worth reading and thinking about.

Not settling

TZ wrote to me today. Here's his story about quitting and then becoming the best in the world:

I rose up the ranks in [name of bank] Bank Financial Group to become a Program Manager in Operations...specifically Change Management.

According to how my parents used to define success: I was a superstar. A 29 year old with a senior level position at a huge company with a safe salary, crazy benefits and a religious adherence to a 9-5 order.


(Via The Dip by Seth Godin.)

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Sunday, February 11, 2007

What I'm Reading....

Readymade is from the folks over at Readymade magazine, a great monthly available via subscription or on the newstand.

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