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Saturday, January 16, 2010

Mathemagician Art Benjamin on the Colbert Report - Wed, Jan 27, 2010

Our friend, Art Benjamin, is scheduled to appear on the Colbert Report this Wednesday, January 27, 2010. I assume he will be talking about his work as a Mathemagician and his book, The Secrets of Mental Math.

Here is a re-post of the blog and video I write when Art was doing a book signing here in Sherman Oaks.

Previous Post:

In case you missed his presentation last night at Barnes & Noble Encino, here is a short video of Art Benjamin, Professor at Harvey Mudd College and Mathemagician, presenting "magic squares", just one of the concepts taught in his book. The Secrets of Mental Math.

Art regularly performs his MathMagic act The Magic Castle in Hollywood and is a frequent speaker around the country. He also presented at this year's TED Conference in Monterey, California.

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Monday, September 07, 2009

What I'm Reading...Developing the Leader Within You by John C. Maxwell

Another in a series of leadership books I am reading. I have several areas, like
leadership, where I pick up nearly book I find on the topic.

I have read other books by John C. Maxwell over the years and typically find them very useful and engaging. I especially enjoyed Thinking for a Change from several years ago.

Developing the Leader Within has some excellent sections on change, change management and why it can be so difficult to change. While I struggle with change in my own life, like many people, I also often face extreme resistance to change in others bordering on the self-destructive. I am always amazed when faced with such vehement reactions to change, so any guidance I can find of the issue is very welcome.

You can find more books and products I have previously highlighted in my blogs and podcasts by visiting The WelchWrite Bookstore.

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Tuesday, July 28, 2009

What I'm reading...Rules of Thumb by Alan M. Webber

What are you reading? Share your favorite books with Career Opportunities readers and listeners. Add your comment today!

Yet another interesting find via my Amazon recommendations. This book is giving me a lot of food for thought. I have found myself makings lots of notes in my journal, not necessarily about the book, but great ideas and thoughts it is bringing to mind. While "Rules of Thumb" is ostensibly about business, the "rules" apply to life and other pursuits in many ways.

Highly Recommended

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Saturday, July 18, 2009

What I'm Reading...The Simple Home

Architecture, design and decorating books often catch my eye when I am browsing the bookstore or my Amazon recommendations.

I am not into any sort of high style, but I do appreciate these photos of simple and beautiful places. I nearly always find great ideas to implement in my own home.

The Simple Home: The Luxury of Enough by Sarah Nettleton

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Saturday, September 22, 2007

Book: The House of Lords by John Wells

After watching some friends move out of a long term rental house, both Rosanne and I got the de-clutter bug again. My first attack was at the bookshelves in my office. We all have books that make it to our shelves, but never seem to make it off again, I ended up clearing nearly an entire shelf of un-wanted or un-needed books, which were dispatched to our school's flea market day and other charities around town.

One book caught my eye, though -- The House of Lords by John Wells. I purchased this book in a store on Kensington High Street during our only trip to London, back in 2000. It seemed an appropriate book to read while I was wandering the London Streets, walking by Parliament, Westminster Abbey and Whitehall. I read it quickly while on this mini-grand tour that eventually took us to Paris, Rome and, finally a re-meeting with the relatives in Sicily.

It has been so long since I first read the book, that I feel like I am reading to anew. The House of Lords has a fascinating history and fights for its very existence still today. Like all politics, the story is filled with quirky figures, deadly intrigue and amazing eccentricities. Just a day after re-discovering the book, I am almost halfway through it.

If you have any interest in Britian and its history, I highly recommend picking up a copy of The House of Lords by John Wells. You will most likely find it through a used bookseller on Amazon, as it has been out of print for some time.

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Tuesday, September 11, 2007

On hold at the library: Living: In Small Spaces

I came across mention of this book, Living in Small Spaces, on MoCoLoCo and immediately wanted to request it from the library. Unfortunately, they don't yet have a record in the system, so I will have to put it on my list of books to re-check in a month or so. I am always intrigued by "living small" ideas and this sounds like it should be a good look and read.

While looking at the book's entry at Amazon.com, I also came across this book, Living Large in Small Spaces, and another, The Very Small Home: Japanese Ideas for Living Well in Limited Space, which both sound similar and interesting.

Living: In Small Spaces

I'm intrigued by this title, due out later this month, for two reasons, 1) it's by Loft Publications, who've got a good track record and 2) for the book description in Amazon; "Is a large canvas really necessary to paint a masterpiece? The obvious answer would be that the size of the canvas and the brilliance of a work of art bear no relation. Does this also apply to interior design? Is a creative, elegant and cozy design possible in a 30-40m2 apartment? This book proves that it is... The final result is a philosophy of life based on the small, flexible and adaptable. Not only has the size of our apartments changed, but with it our lifestyle.". Urban nomads take note. Living small requires a surprisingly large number of pages, this paperback edition has 356 pages, all no doubt well illustrated, for $23.07 at Amazon.

(Via MoCoLoco.)

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Monday, July 02, 2007

What I'm Reading...

Not living without goals entirely, just not letting them dictate your life.

The latest book I am reading.

You can find more books in The WelchWrite Bookstore.

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Sunday, April 29, 2007

What I'm Reading...

A man both pious and scandalous -- brother of famous author Harriet Beecher Stowe and son of one of the most prominant Calvinist preachers of the era, Beecher rose and then fell into the depths of a vicious sex scandal.

I am finding it a great source for this particular era of American history, one that I didn't know much about. I especially like that much of it takes place in Ohio, my home state.

The Long Tail: Why the Future of Business Is Selling Less of More
Can you really make money off the nichification of the marketplace? This book has become the darling of the Internet marketing set. I'll finally get a chance to see what all the hubbub is about.

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Sunday, April 15, 2007

Screenwriting/Television Writing Book Recommendations

Today must be the day to update all online book lists.

I realized the my wife, Rosanne's book recommendations for screenwriting and television writing had never been put on her part of the site. So, you can now check it out using the link below.

Link: Screenwriting/Television Writing Recommended Books

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Thursday, March 29, 2007

Elsewhere Online: Letterpress Printing Video

Frame from letterpess videoAnother example of odd, little things that attract my attention.

This video story on letterpress printing caught my eye and ear and provided a short trip through a printmaster's craft and life.

A gentle little piece, and a perfect way to spend a few minutes in a hectic day.

Nice little video about letterpress printing.

(Via kottke.org.)

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Saturday, February 17, 2007

What I'm reading...

I discovered this book through a presentation from Tech Nation with Dr. Moira Gunn, delivered via IT Conversations. She interviews one of the authors Curt Carlson, CEO of SRI International, one of the co-authors. It is well worth a listen and a read.

From Amazon.com....
“Innovation—mystery or mastery? For Carlson and Wilmot, the answer is definitely the latter. Following the example of Deming’s approach to quality—another of those magically powerful substances—they lay out a thoughtful, practical methodology for managing innovation projects through to successful outcomes. Sure, in that one percent inspiration there may be the occasional moment of mystery, but for those of us operating in the ninety-nine percent perspiration part of the field, it’s terrific to finally get a great user’s manual.” —Goeffrey Moore, author of Dealing with Darwin: How Great Companies Innovate at Every Phase of Their Evolution"

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Thursday, February 01, 2007

Old Book: The Jack of All Trades - FREE from Google Book Search

I love old books like this one mentioned in Make Magazine's blog, The Jack of All Trades. It takes us back to a simpler time when kids were allowed, even encouraged, to make things on their own. Sure, there is some anachronistic material within, but there are also some very cool ideas.

Even better, this book is available, in PDF format, directly from Google Book Search. Go take a look and let me know your favorite project.

The Jack of All Trades: fair weather ideas on Google Book search

Shawn writes - "This is a great book that is no longer in print that shows how to build everything from a log cabin to a wooden bugle. Even if you can't build some of the things in this book it still can flood the imagination with great ideas." - Link.

(Via MAKE: Blog.)
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