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Saturday, January 16, 2010

Mathemagician Art Benjamin on the Colbert Report - Wed, Jan 27, 2010

Our friend, Art Benjamin, is scheduled to appear on the Colbert Report this Wednesday, January 27, 2010. I assume he will be talking about his work as a Mathemagician and his book, The Secrets of Mental Math.

Here is a re-post of the blog and video I write when Art was doing a book signing here in Sherman Oaks.

Previous Post:

In case you missed his presentation last night at Barnes & Noble Encino, here is a short video of Art Benjamin, Professor at Harvey Mudd College and Mathemagician, presenting "magic squares", just one of the concepts taught in his book. The Secrets of Mental Math.

Art regularly performs his MathMagic act The Magic Castle in Hollywood and is a frequent speaker around the country. He also presented at this year's TED Conference in Monterey, California.

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