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Thursday, November 26, 2009

A post-prandial stupor

The Bird!
Originally uploaded by dewelch
I site here now, laptop in position, and send you greetings hazed over by a post-prandial (after dinner) stupor. I didn't really over eat. I had a little bit of everything and it all was amazing.

My sister prepares the turkey every year. One benefit of being the main cook at home is that I don't have to cook on any of the major holidays. Everyone else has selected a holiday that is there and I can sit idly by and make biting comments about how much better it would be if they only did thus and such. (SMILE)

I haven't been idle today though. Business has been discussed and i even wrote a short post for Careers in New Media this morning which has already gone live on the blog. This is also my time to do a lot of reading. Those moments I am not engaged with family, I grab one of the four books I brought with me and enjoy a little "me time" without the pressure of phone calls and emails that must be addressed.

The holidays bring a rush of activities, so I consider Thanksgiving a brief respite before the Christmas and New Year's comes storming our way.

Hope that the day has been good for your and yours!


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