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Monday, October 05, 2009

What is New Media Mastermind?

New Media can seem so confusing…Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Blogging, Audio, Video.

Which technology should you use? When? Why?

How do you use New Media, the Internet and all that is yet to come to build your personal and professional brand, sell your goods and services and more? You need a New Media Mentor, a coach, a friend — someone who can show you the path through the technology forest.

New Media Mastermind is a group dedicated to giving you the skills to make the most of the amazing New Media tools available today and in the future.

Start or build your business. Improve your life. Grow an organization.

New Media Mastermind is direct and personal access to a New Media professional who can advise and consult on your New Media plans and help you create step-by-step progress towards your business goals.


New Media Mastermind is …

  • Technology Coaching…in Plain English!
    • Makes even the most complicated concepts clear
    • Allows you to perform basic tasks on your own, on your schedule
  • Just in Time Learning
    • Learn what you need, when you need it
    • Develop “Action Plans” to insure your progress
    • Ask your most pressing questions
    • Learn from the Mastermind leader as well as your fellow group members
    • Learn to do for yourself, as much as you wish
  • Focused
    • Focused on your needs
    • Focused on your questions
    • Focused on your growth
    • Focused on results
    • Focused on action
  • Regularly reinforced
    • Regularly scheduled meetings allow support and follow-up on your action items and projects
    • Email updates provide further direction
    • Mastermind community provides support and advice
  • Local and Remote
    • Face-to-Face meetings
    • Online Community
    • Distance Learning through audio and video conferencing

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