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Monday, September 07, 2009

What I'm Reading...Developing the Leader Within You by John C. Maxwell

Another in a series of leadership books I am reading. I have several areas, like
leadership, where I pick up nearly book I find on the topic.

I have read other books by John C. Maxwell over the years and typically find them very useful and engaging. I especially enjoyed Thinking for a Change from several years ago.

Developing the Leader Within has some excellent sections on change, change management and why it can be so difficult to change. While I struggle with change in my own life, like many people, I also often face extreme resistance to change in others bordering on the self-destructive. I am always amazed when faced with such vehement reactions to change, so any guidance I can find of the issue is very welcome.

You can find more books and products I have previously highlighted in my blogs and podcasts by visiting The WelchWrite Bookstore.

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