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Wednesday, December 31, 2008

CLASS: 1-Day Workshop - Podcasting and New Media for Writers - UCLA Extension - June 6, 2009

This is advanced notice (very advanced) that Rosanne and I will be doing a 1-Day Intensive Workshop version of Podcasting and New Media for Writers on-site at UCLA Extension. This class will take place on June 6, 2009.

If you are interested in this course, or have further questions, please contact me directly at douglas@welchwrite.com and mention UCLA Podcasting in the subject line. I will be forwarding more information as we get closer to the date.

Please share this note with anyone you know who might be interested.

Here is the current description for the course:

1-Day Intensive Workshop version of Podcasting and New Media for Writers

Podcasting and various other forms of New Media have given writers direct access to a worldwide audience and freed them from absolute dependency on television networks, radio stations, and publishers to buy and market their work. To the audience, podcasting and New Media provide "what you want, where you want it, when you want it," while to the content creator and producer, they offer ultimate creative freedom.

This one-day introductory course covers basic questions like: What is New Media? And why do writers need to be involved in it NOW? The course introduces the students to the basics of writing for New Media; cover strategies for publicizing work in New Media and expanding their readers, viewers, listeners and followers. Basics of audio/video recording and editing will be discussed as will associated technology (RSS feeds, websites, blogs) and alternatives to podcasting, including YouTube, Utterli, Twitter, and Seismic.

New Media allows writers to speak directly to their audience, wherever they might be, at costs approaching zero. If you could have your own audio book label, television or radio station, why wouldn't you?

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Laptop heaven

Posted by ShoZu

Lunch with friends

Posted by ShoZu

Monday, December 29, 2008

LA Organizers Consortium - An Organization for Organizers

During the discussion of at the November Geek Dinner, it came to mind that a new group would be beneficial to the various groups (tech and otherwise) that exist in LA. I saw a deep need for an "organization of organizers" -- a group where organizers could turn to help one another build their groups and work together on projects of common interest.

In this vein, I am proposing the LA Organizers Consortium.

"A consortium is an association of two or more individuals, companies, organizations or governments (or any combination of these entities) with the objective of participating in a common activity or pooling their resources for achieving a common goal." 1

Based on this description, we certainly could use an association of groups to forward any number of common goals.

I see several ways in which the LAOC could benefit groups in Los Angeles...

  • Share information and experience between group organizers. (Frankly, I know I could really use this)
  • Cross-promote events and activities that apply to more than one group
  • Coordinate cooperative events bringing together several groups for a common goal
  • Create a comprehensive schedule listing all LAOC member events on our own site and develop groups on the various event sharing and promotion sites, such as Upcoming,org, SuretoMeet.com and others.

I am sure there are other benefits that others can offer, as well.

It is my feeling that we have done very well in starting and developing a large number of groups in LA and no we are ready to take it to the next level of organization. Through the Consortium we can start to bring our power to bear to create even more and better effects in LA.

If you are an LA Organizer and would like to become part of the Consortium, you can join the new mailing list/group I have started.

Join here: http://groups.google.com/group/laorganizers/

Please forward this note to other organizers you may know, of the organizers of groups of which you might be a member.

1 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Consortium

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Upcoming Events

View the compete calendar.

You can also subscribe to this calendar directly using RSS or iCAL.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

What I'm Reading... - December 25, 2008

This is one in a series of posts highlighting what books I have currently in my "To Read" or "Reading" stack. I typically have 5-6 books out of our library at any one time so I can switch between them, giving a shirt break to let concepts jell before diving back in.

Book Description: At some point, almost all of us will find ourselves in the same bind at work: we know what needs to be done and how to do it, but we can't get the right people on board. The risk is allowing frustration to become resignation—or unproductive retaliation. Fortunately, the new and improved Influence Without Authority, Second Edition offers a proven, effective model for breaking through the impasse and building an environment of collaboration, mutual assistance, and real achievement.

Leadership gurus Allan Cohen and David Bradford explain how to coax cooperation from the people who control the resources, information, or support you need to succeed. You'll learn how to get past your restrictive assumptions, figure out the interests and needs of potential partners, and negotiate mutually beneficial exchanges that help you both achieve your goals. It's a powerful and proven way to cut through interpersonal and interdepartmental barriers to turn coworkers and competitors into allies.

This new Second Edition adds clarity, depth, and insight with new chapters on applying the Exchange Model to entire organizations, making it even more useful for team leaders and managers. It includes many more practical applications such as working cross-functionally, leading major change initiatives, using direct influence, and overcoming organizational politics.

No matter what your organizational position, or what kinds of clients and customers you deal with, part of your success depends on being able to influence people over whom you have no formal control. Influence Without Authority, Second Edition presents a clear model and effective, practical strategies for convincing and influencing those around you in order to accomplish important workplace goals—to the benefit of you, your colleagues, and your organization.

Amazon.com Review:
All of us, from birth onward, learn by emulating others. Yet when it comes to our professional lives, we often forget that what we see, we imitate, and what we imitate, we become. This is obviously a positive thing for those who have found successful, encouraging mentors in their fields, but finding those mentors is still much easier for men than for women. In Be Your Own Mentor, Sheila Wellington seeks to provide women not only with advice on locating appropriate mentors, but with the tools to mentor themselves and the opinions, advice, and encouragement of women leaders worth emulating.

Wellington speaks from a broad range of experience. Having spent 20 years working in public health and one term as the first female Secretary of Yale University, she now serves as the president of Catalyst, a nonprofit research organization that works to advance women in business. Catalyst has conducted numerous interviews, surveys, and focus groups on the subject of women succeeding and excelling in their professional lives, and the results of much of that research is included here. CEOs from industry and the nonprofit world, law-firm partners, university presidents, and senior consultants all add their two cents' worth (or more like six figures' worth) to Wellington's observations on everything from planning your career and avoiding being boxed in to learning how to network efficiently and successfully integrate your work life with your home life.

Be Your Own Mentor is jam-packed with informative statistics, useful suggestions, and encouraging reminders--almost to the point of overload. With so many "voices" and so many topics covered, it's easy to feel a little overwhelmed. Despite this organizational drawback, however, this book is a useful tool for women, especially those just starting out. And for the avid emulator, who better to learn from than the likes of Zoe Baird, respected lawyer and president of the Markle Foundation; Betty Beene, president and CEO of United Way of America; Ellen Hancock, chairman and CEO of Exodus Communications; and Anne Mulcahy, president and COO of Xerox Corporation? On that note, the appendix, which provides career-path profiles of each of the pioneers quoted, is one of the most interesting sections of the book. --S. Ketchum

Book Description: We live in digital time. Our pace is rushed, rapid-fire, and relentless. Facing crushing workloads, we try to cram as much as possible into every day. We're wired up, but we're melting down. Time management is no longer a viable solution. As bestselling authors Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz demonstrate in this groundbreaking book, managing energy, not time, is the key to enduring high performance as well as to health, happiness, and life balance.

The number of hours in a day is fixed, but the quantity and quality of energy available to us is not. This fundamental insight has the power to revolutionize the way you live your life. The Power of Full Engagement is a highly practical, scientifically based approach to managing your energy more skillfully both on and off the job.

At the heart of the program is the Corporate Athlete® Training System. It is grounded in twenty-five years of work with some of the world's greatest athletes to help them perform more effectively under brutal competitive pressures. Clients have included Jim Courier, Monica Seles, and Arantxa Sanchez-Vicario in tennis; Mark O'Meara and Ernie Els in golf; Eric Lindros and Mike Richter in hockey; Nick Anderson and Grant Hill in basketball; and gold medalist Dan Jansen in speed skating.

During the past decade, dozens of Fortune 500 companies have paid thousands of dollars to learn the Corporate Athlete training system. So have FBI swat teams, critical care physicians and nurses, salesmen, and stay-at-home moms. The Power of Full Engagement lays out the key training principles and provides a powerful, step-by-step program that will help you to:

• Mobilize four key sources of energy
• Balance energy expenditure with intermittent energy renewal
• Expand capacity in the same systematic way that elite athletes do
• Create highly specific, positive energy management rituals

Above all, this book provides a life-changing road map to becoming more fully engaged on and off the job, meaning physically energized, emotionally connected, mentally focused, and spiritually aligned.

Book Description: Management expert Michael Feiner's candid leadership guide cuts through rhetoric and theory and gives managers and executives a "hands-on" approach to dealing with problems in business.

As the former chief people officer at PepsiCo, and now a management professor at the Columbia University School of Business, Feiner shares his solutions from his years of handling unexpected crises, meditating between warring corporate factions, and taking care of all the "people problems" that pop up on a routine basis in companies all over the world. Feiner's approach is based on common sense and practicality, and his book is full of examples that managers everywhere will identify with and relate to. Along the way, Feiner doles out his "laws" of how those in supervisory roles can resolve these vexing situations. Instructive and entertaining, THE FEINER POINTS OF LEADERSHIP will be mandatory reading for anyone in a managerial position.

This essential guide features 50 clearly defined laws of leadership together with illustrative stories that demonstrate these laws in action. There is also a unique back-of-book "matrix" highlighting classic business scenarios-- and the leadership laws that apply to each.

For 20 years, Michael Feiner was a senior executive and chief people officer at PepsiCo. He is currently a management consultant and professor at the Columbia Graduate School of Business.

Product Description: Kevin Liles' meteoric climb from street kid to unpaid intern at Def Jam Records to executive vice president of the Warner Music Group is far more than a rags-to-riches story. It is a tribute to Liles' work ethic, discipline and confidence in doing his thing his way -- the hip-hop way.

In Make It Happen, Liles -- named one of America's Most Powerful Players Under 40 by Black Enterprise -- offers his ten rules of business success, which range from "Find Your Will" to "Don't Let Cash Rule" and "Play Your Position." As he outlines these and other strategies for success, Liles shares his own hard-won wisdom about his journey to the top, along with career advice from the various music artists, industry professionals, mentors and friends he has known along the way. No matter what version of the American Dream you choose to explore, this book will help you to empower yourself and Make It Happen.

John Deere Ornament

I used to drive one of these on the farm. I got this from our friends Keri and Michael

Posted by ShoZu

Christmas Morning

Posted by ShoZu

Christmas Morning and Mindstorm NXT

Posted by ShoZu

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Good Eats Overnight Oatmeal for Christmas Morning

This is what I make every Christmas Eve so that we have breakfast waiting for us when we get up Christmas Morning. I have noted my additions to the recipe in italics.

FoodNetwork.com - Overnight Oatmeal
Good Eats - Alton Brown

Prep Time: 10 min
Cook Time: 9 hr 0 min

Level: Easy

Serves: 4 servings

1 cup steel cut oats
1 cup dried cranberries
(This year I used dried blueberries. I usually omit the dried fruit, but I think anything you like would work.)
1 cup dried figs (Omitted)
4 cups water (I use 2 cups milk and 2 cups water instead)
1/2 cup half-and-half (I used whipping creme I had left over from other recipes)

(Add 1/2 tsp cinnamon, 1/2 tsp nutmeg, 1/8 tsp cloves (or to taste)
(Add maple syrup to sweeten, if you wish)

In a slow cooker, combine all ingredients and set to low heat. Cover and let cook for 8 to 9 hours.

Stir and remove to serving bowls. This method works best if started before you go to bed. This way your oatmeal will be finished by morning.

© 2008 Scripps Networks, LLC. All Rights Reserved

Video: David Holt talks about Appalachian Music and More

I really enjoyed this talk from Ted.Com with David Holt. Music and great stories combined.

About this talk

Folk musician and storyteller David Holt plays the banjo and shares photographs and old wisdom from the Appalachian Mountains. He also demonstrates some unusual instruments like the mouth bow -- and a surprising electric drum kit he calls "thunderwear."

About David Holt

Four-time Grammy Award-winning folk musician David Holt is a born troubadour. Behind his energizing musicianship (often featuring unusual instruments like "the paper bag") is a deep love of…

See further information at Ted.Com

Christmas Eve Brunch with neighbor friend

Posted by ShoZu

Places LA - Turner Holiday Light Show 2008

A sample of the Turner Family Holiday Light show and a short interview with its creator, Ric Turner. This is the third year for the show, which changes each year.

You can see the show yourself, live and in person, at 23917 Philbrook Ave, Valencia, CA 91354 (Map Link)

You can see a complete video of this year's show, as well as 2007's, on YouTube.

A complete video of the 2008 show

Turner Holiday Light Show 2007

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Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Cookie baking

Posted by ShoZu

Cooke Making

Posted by ShoZu

Cookie Making

Posted by ShoZu

Cookie Making

Posted by ShoZu

Cookie Making

Posted by ShoZu

Monday, December 22, 2008

Audio: 3rd Annual Reading of Charles Dicken's A Christmas Carol

3rd Annual LIVE Reading of Dicken's A Christmas Carol
Sunday, December 21, 2008

Listen: A Live Reading of Charle's Dickens A Christmas Carol

Music courtesy of Incompetech.com

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Sunday, December 21, 2008

Video: 3rd Annual Live Reading of a Christmas Carol

You can watch and listen to our live reading of Charles Dicken's A Christmas Carol via this video recording from uStream.tv. A high-quality audio version is available in a separate blog post.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Frank Sinatra, Bing Crosby and Christmas Music

Frank Sinatra, Bing Crosby and Christmas. Who could ask for more? This YouTube video has no identifying info except to say it was for a TV special. That is interesting as it is on film and in color so I wonder if it was a film short for theaters instead.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Douglas' Noted Items

As I read through my RSS feeds each day, I always find a number of interesting items. Google Reader allows me to easily "share" these items, both within Google Reader itself and at this web page and RSS feed.

To the right you will find a widget containing my latest "Noted" items and a link to see even more. I found them interesting and I bet you will, too! Subscribe to the RSS feed to track what I find interesting every day.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Our 3rd Annual LIVE Reading of Dicken's A Christmas Carol

Join us!

3rd Annual LIVE Reading of Dicken's A Christmas Carol
Sunday, December 21, 2008 -- 3 PM PST/6 PM EST

Visit http://www.ustream.tv/channel/douglas-e.-welch-live to watch

I will be joined by Rosanne and some friends. We will be using a condensed version of A Christmas Carol, created by Dickens for his own public readings. Join us to watch, listen and chat.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Recipe: Pistachio Pudding Cake

My friend Helen asked for the recipe for the Pistachio Pudding Cake I made for the cookie party so I figured it was a good excuse to post it for everyone.

Here is the link to the web page, which also has a variety of variations on the cake. I chose the one with the least oil in it.




1 3-ounce package instant pistachio pudding mix
1 package white cake mix
5 eggs
1/2 cup vegetable oil
1 1/2 cups water


1 3-ounce package instant pistachio pudding mix
1 1/2 cups milk
2 envelopes instant dessert topping

* Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease and flour a 10 inch Bundt pan.
* In a large bowl, mix together cake mix, 1 package pudding, water, eggs, and oil. Pour into a greased and floured Bundt pan. 3 Bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes, or until done. Allow to cool.
* To Make Frosting: In a mixing bowl, combine 1 package instant pudding, milk, and instant whipped topping mix. Beat until thick, and spread on the cooled cake.
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Saturday, December 13, 2008

Duke, Rosanne, Dena

Posted by ShoZu


Posted by ShoZu

Mary, Arlene and Rick

Posted by ShoZu

Mitch and Linda

Posted by ShoZu

Cookie Party

Posted by ShoZu

Cookie Party

Posted by ShoZu

Sarah, Miguel and Nancy

Posted by ShoZu

Rosanne, Susie, Helen

Posted by ShoZu

Enrique and William

Posted by ShoZu

The cookie table

Posted by ShoZu

20 quart pot of chili for party dinner

Posted by ShoZu

Party Prep - Pistachio cake and Cornflake Holly

Posted by ShoZu

Saturday, December 06, 2008

LA DWP Holiday Light Festival

Posted by ShoZu

DWP Holiday Light Festival

Posted by ShoZu

DWP Holiday Light Festval

Posted by ShoZu

DWP Holiday Light Festval

Posted by ShoZu

Sarah and Summer dog (illuminated)

Posted by ShoZu

DWP Holiday Light Festival

Posted by ShoZu

DWP holiday light festival

Posted by ShoZu

DWP Holiday Light Festival

Posted by ShoZu

DWP Holiday Light Festival

Posted by ShoZu

Friday, December 05, 2008

Spyder Blue

Posted by ShoZu

Spyder Blue

Posted by ShoZu

Spyder Blue at Cafe Bellissimo

Posted by ShoZu

Spyder Blue at Cafe Bellissimo

Posted by ShoZu

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

No-bake (One Minute) Cookies

Today's cookies were these quick, candy-like cookies made with oatmeal, cocoa and sugar.

Posted by ShoZu

One Minute Cookies

* 2 cups white sugar
* 3 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder
* 1/2 cup margarine
* 1/2 cup milk
* 1 pinch salt
* 3 cups quick cooking oats
* 1/2 cup peanut butter
* 1 teaspoon vanilla extract


1. In a saucepan bring sugar, cocoa, margarine, milk, and salt to a rapid boil for 1 minute.
2. Add quick cooking oats, peanut butter, and vanilla; mix well.
3. Working quickly, drop by teaspoonfuls onto waxed paper, and let cool.

Monday, December 01, 2008

3 Batches Baked

Chocolate Chip with Cocoa Nibs, Oatmeal with white Chocolate Chips and Oatmeal with raisins, dried cranberries and dried blueberries.

Posted by ShoZu