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Friday, August 22, 2008

Seesmic Meetup LA

Seesmic Meetup LA
Originally uploaded by dewelch
Oh, and like we haven't done enough this week, last night was a Seesmic meetup at Lucy's El Adobe. Many thanks to the Seesmic crew for hosting us. We had a great time.

New Mailbox

New Mailbox
Originally uploaded by dewelch
The old mailbox failed today so it forced me to put up the new one
that has been sitting around the house for months.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Geek Dinner at Shakey's

, 2008
Originally uploaded by dewelch
We had a great time last night at the August Geek Dinner LA at Shakey's in Hollywood. There is always a lot of great conversation and reconnecting with folks.

Click the photo for more pictures from the evening on Flickr.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Elsewhere Online: Animated Knots

Never be at a loss for the proper knot for the job again. Animated Knots exceeds your needs in every way. I might actually be able to tie some of these knots now, due to the great animated photos.

Animated Knots Knot, knot
Who's there?


Bowline who?

I'm going bowline ... wanna go too?
Because you never know when you'll need a good knot.

(Via MetaFilter.)

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Sherman Oaks Farmers Market

We stopped by on the first night if this new incarnation of the
market. It is scheduled for every Thursday night. We arrived early but
it looks like the locals are already checking things out.

My Daily Mugshot

I have been playing around with the Daily Mughsot site, taking a new picture each day. You can see the results below. Useful? Probably not, but interesting.

Connect with Writers, Courses, and Inspiration for Free at the Writers Faire on Sunday, September 7

UCLA Extension Writers' Program proudly presents Writers Faire 2008

Sunday, September 7

11 am-3 pm

UCLA Campus: Young Hall Courtyard

Admission is free. Parking on campus in Lot 2 is $9.

Be our guest at the ninth annual Writers Faire featuring 24 free mini-panels and lectures in fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, writing for the youth market, playwriting, publishing, feature film writing, and television writing. Writers of all levels are welcome!

There’s so much to do at the Writers Faire:

* Listen to 70 instructors/writers as they participate in lively discussions about the art, craft, business, and life of writing.
* Enroll in most fall courses at a ten percent discount (advanced courses not included).
* Get one-on-one advisement on courses and certificate programs.
* Learn more about Los Angeles-area MFA programs and speak to representatives from five top schools.
* Become familiar with Blackboard, the platform used in all Writers’ Program online courses.
* Watch Final Draft representatives demonstrate their software (discounts are available).
* Visit with more than a dozen professional and community organizations and writing-allied businesses, all of whom share a common goal of promoting writing in Los Angeles.

“For me, the highlight of the Writers Faire was listening to the instructors discuss issues of craft. The advice they gave was drawn from experience, delivered with humor, applicable, and free.” – Andrea Kremer, Creative Writing student

Click here to access a PDF of the 2008 Writers Faire schedule and videos of panels from last year’s Writers Faire. Or contact the Writers' Program office at (310) 825-9415 or at writers@uclaextension.edu for more information.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Sherman Oaks Farmer's Market and more - This Thursday

A evening Farmer's Market, along with arts and crafts, food and entertainment comes again to Sherman Oaks starting this Thursday.

Here is the info from the Farmer's Market web site...

Hours and Location:

Sherman Oaks Fashion Square Mall

Our market will be the “home” to countless enthusiastic shoppers who revel in the freshness, variety, and value available from local farms. Fresh fruit from our wonderful state include berries, cherries, peaches, nectarines, apples, and melons. Market tables are also loaded with local organic produce, all kinds of seasonal vegetables, fresh farm cheeses, herbs, mushrooms, free-range chicken and eggs, seafood, pastured organic beef, ciders, honey, preserves, fresh baked bread and pastries, cut flowers, and plant starts.

The market will host live music, fun activities for kids and other wonderful events throughout the year. Health and Nutrition information booths are also at the market each week during the summer.

For more info visit http://www.greenfarmersmarkets.org/

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Voice Registry Podcast-Tracy Pattin Talks To Warner Bros. Sound Supervisor Michael Lawshe & New Media Expert Doug Welch

Michael Lawshe pictureInternet radio play, “Prelude To A Revolution” about the American Revolution and the lead up to the signing of The Declaration of Independence was created, written and produced by Keri Dearborn, Michael Lawshe, Rosanne Welch and Doug Welch. Warner Brothers Sound Supervisor, Michael Lawshe and New Media expert Doug Welch talk about their internet radio projects and the impact of New Media and Voice Over.

Listen to this interview

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Gangplank, Phoenix, Arizona

Gangplank, Phoenix, Arizona
Originally uploaded by dewelch
I hung out at Gangplank in Chandler, AZ last night, a great get-together work/play evening and we even recorded a few podcasts. I am glad I was able to check it out while we are in town this week.

From the Gangplank site...

"In nautical terminology, a "gangplank" is a temporary bridge between land (going nowhere) and a ship (going somewhere).

Founded in April 2008 by several local web companies (as a formalization of ideas that had brewing over years of collaboration), Gangplank seeks to fill the role of a bridge for the Phoenix web community.

Gangplank is roughly organized into four areas: the movement, the academy, the commons, and the incubator."

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Snow Bowl near Flagstaff, Arizona

Another scene from our vacation travels.

iPod Ready Video

Monday, August 04, 2008

Sedona, Arizona - August 4, 2008

We spent our day in Uptown Sedona and Tlaquepaque today, checking out the art work and having a leisurely lunch. A bit warm here today, but we survived. Back at the house where I am planning on making dinner for our host.

Sunday, August 03, 2008

Aspens at Snow Bowl. Flagstaff, Arizona

We took a short hike today at Snow Bowl, a ski area above Flagstaff, Arizona. These aspens, which grow all over the mountain captivated my attention. Their white trunks, among the darker greens of pines and ferns were very striking.

In Oak Creek Canyon

Sedona Trip
Originally uploaded by dewelch
We spent most of yesterday in Oak Creek Canyon near Sedona, Arizona. It is a pleasure to get away from things for a little while.

See many more pictures on my Flickr photostream.

Saturday, August 02, 2008

Sedona Scene 1

A short scene from Oak Creek Canyon near Sedona, Arizona.

iPod Ready Video