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Wednesday, December 31, 2008

CLASS: 1-Day Workshop - Podcasting and New Media for Writers - UCLA Extension - June 6, 2009

This is advanced notice (very advanced) that Rosanne and I will be doing a 1-Day Intensive Workshop version of Podcasting and New Media for Writers on-site at UCLA Extension. This class will take place on June 6, 2009.

If you are interested in this course, or have further questions, please contact me directly at douglas@welchwrite.com and mention UCLA Podcasting in the subject line. I will be forwarding more information as we get closer to the date.

Please share this note with anyone you know who might be interested.

Here is the current description for the course:

1-Day Intensive Workshop version of Podcasting and New Media for Writers

Podcasting and various other forms of New Media have given writers direct access to a worldwide audience and freed them from absolute dependency on television networks, radio stations, and publishers to buy and market their work. To the audience, podcasting and New Media provide "what you want, where you want it, when you want it," while to the content creator and producer, they offer ultimate creative freedom.

This one-day introductory course covers basic questions like: What is New Media? And why do writers need to be involved in it NOW? The course introduces the students to the basics of writing for New Media; cover strategies for publicizing work in New Media and expanding their readers, viewers, listeners and followers. Basics of audio/video recording and editing will be discussed as will associated technology (RSS feeds, websites, blogs) and alternatives to podcasting, including YouTube, Utterli, Twitter, and Seismic.

New Media allows writers to speak directly to their audience, wherever they might be, at costs approaching zero. If you could have your own audio book label, television or radio station, why wouldn't you?


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