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Monday, September 29, 2008

Douglas on E-Learning Guild Podcast

In preparation for my day-long podcasting workshop at DevLearn 2008, Brent Schelenker had me on his show to talk about myself, podcasting and New Media on his GuildCast for the ELearning Guide podcast.

Listen Now

Here is the info on my workshop:

Audio and e-Learning: How to Turn Sound Files into Training Podcasts

Tuesday November 11, 2008 08:30 AM

Doug Welch, The WelchWrite Company, Inc.

As e-Learning professionals, you create content everyday. Much of that content is lost when you fail to capture it, or when you fail to edit and distribute it to your audience. Audio is already a big part of your e-Learning, but you could be using it for so much more. Learn new ways to capture audio content, and how to distribute it via internal and external systems and services like blogs, RSS (Real Simple Syndication), and Podcasting.

In this workshop you will be immersed in sound, and learn how new audio technologies can be used to enhance your learning solutions. You will learn how to capture, edit, and distribute sound files, as well as learn which tools are best for you. You will be learning about Podcasting from an industry veteran who specializes in new media production. If you already know the learning theories related to audio in your e-Learning courses, then this workshop will get you to the next level, and help make your corporate learning Podcast dreams a reality.

In this session, you will learn:

* How to capture good audio, and what tools you can use
* How to edit audio to produce a complete, professional sounding, show
* How to use a blog and RSS to distribute your work
* How to share your work with the world using the iTunes Podcast directory (and other products) can share your work with the world

Intermediate Designers, Developers, Project managers, and Managers who have Only basic computer knowledge is required. Additional experience with audio production is helpful, but not required.


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