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Monday, February 11, 2008

Ugly, ugly week with Bronchitis

If I haven't talked to you directly this week, then you probably have no idea that I am down for the count with a nasty case of bronchitis. Since last Friday I have been trying to bull my way through and still say productive, but today I was so under the weather that I had to cancel appointments and spend most of the day on the sofa.

I get bronchitis about once a year and usually medication takes care of it, but this seems a particularly nasty case, so I have had to handle questions via email and phone as best I can.

That said, this Thursday, Feb 14, is my birthday so I am hoping to be feeling better by then. I am also teaching my twice-monthly Internet Seminar at the Sherman Oaks Branch of the LA Public Library that night, and being able to talk is usually an important part of the class (SMILE)

So there you have it. I am struggling, but hope to be feeling better as soon as I can. If you have questions, send me an email at douglas@welchwrite.com and I will drag myself from my sick bed to send an answer. (SMILE)


At 6:12 AM, Blogger artlung said...

Feel better! also! Happy Birthday!!!


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