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Tuesday, September 11, 2007

On hold at the library: Living: In Small Spaces

I came across mention of this book, Living in Small Spaces, on MoCoLoCo and immediately wanted to request it from the library. Unfortunately, they don't yet have a record in the system, so I will have to put it on my list of books to re-check in a month or so. I am always intrigued by "living small" ideas and this sounds like it should be a good look and read.

While looking at the book's entry at Amazon.com, I also came across this book, Living Large in Small Spaces, and another, The Very Small Home: Japanese Ideas for Living Well in Limited Space, which both sound similar and interesting.

Living: In Small Spaces

I'm intrigued by this title, due out later this month, for two reasons, 1) it's by Loft Publications, who've got a good track record and 2) for the book description in Amazon; "Is a large canvas really necessary to paint a masterpiece? The obvious answer would be that the size of the canvas and the brilliance of a work of art bear no relation. Does this also apply to interior design? Is a creative, elegant and cozy design possible in a 30-40m2 apartment? This book proves that it is... The final result is a philosophy of life based on the small, flexible and adaptable. Not only has the size of our apartments changed, but with it our lifestyle.". Urban nomads take note. Living small requires a surprisingly large number of pages, this paperback edition has 356 pages, all no doubt well illustrated, for $23.07 at Amazon.

(Via MoCoLoco.)

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