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Saturday, September 22, 2007

Book: The House of Lords by John Wells

After watching some friends move out of a long term rental house, both Rosanne and I got the de-clutter bug again. My first attack was at the bookshelves in my office. We all have books that make it to our shelves, but never seem to make it off again, I ended up clearing nearly an entire shelf of un-wanted or un-needed books, which were dispatched to our school's flea market day and other charities around town.

One book caught my eye, though -- The House of Lords by John Wells. I purchased this book in a store on Kensington High Street during our only trip to London, back in 2000. It seemed an appropriate book to read while I was wandering the London Streets, walking by Parliament, Westminster Abbey and Whitehall. I read it quickly while on this mini-grand tour that eventually took us to Paris, Rome and, finally a re-meeting with the relatives in Sicily.

It has been so long since I first read the book, that I feel like I am reading to anew. The House of Lords has a fascinating history and fights for its very existence still today. Like all politics, the story is filled with quirky figures, deadly intrigue and amazing eccentricities. Just a day after re-discovering the book, I am almost halfway through it.

If you have any interest in Britian and its history, I highly recommend picking up a copy of The House of Lords by John Wells. You will most likely find it through a used bookseller on Amazon, as it has been out of print for some time.

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