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Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Some of my favorite places to visit in the LA area

I started making a Google MyMap the other day, pointing out some of my favorite places to visit in LA. This is a really eclectic list, as it is quite personal, but perhaps you might find some interesting places for your own travels.

I keep adding to this map over time as I revisit some places and discover new ones.

View Larger Map


At 9:32 PM, Blogger zzi said...

I could get this feature to insert into my blog (WordPress) Do you add the code to a link or image.


At 11:53 AM, Blogger Douglas said...

When you go to maps.google.com and search for an address, you will see, in the upper right-hand corner a link that says, Link to this page. When you click that, you will see a box containing 2 possible link choices. The first is for email or IM and the second box is a few lines of HTML code that you can copy and then paste into your blog.

It is possible, though, that the blog software you are using might not accept that code. This is usually only true for hosted blogs like MySpace or Blogspot, though.

You should be able to paste the code into a blog post and then publish the post and the map should appear.


At 3:13 PM, Blogger zzi said...

I will check WordPress. My blog is like yours in that It's tied to my site, my server. Thanks

At 6:00 PM, Blogger zzi said...

I thought I was having a problem because I had it set as hybrid but "no go." I have an email into a friend about this in WP


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