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Saturday, August 04, 2007

Photowalk in Santa Monica

Originally uploaded by dewelch
This is only one of over 40 photos I shot today on Photowalk Santa Monica with a bunch of Internet folks. I heard about it through my friend Leah at LeahPeah.com She is always showing off her great photo work there, so I knew I had to check it out. Both Rosanne and I were feeling a bit under the weather, but the walking and the sea air perked us up quite a bit. That said, I was a bushed little puppy when we returned.

Check out Photowalks in your area or start one yourself. They are a great excuse to pull our your camera and shoot something, especially when life threatens to crowd out any creative pursuits.

Thanks to all we met today! You were a great group of people and I look forward to Photowalking with you in the future.


At 3:39 PM, Blogger artlung said...

Hey Doug! It was great to see you and R. and J.! Even though it was brief it was nice. Hope you're both feeling better today.


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