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Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Working at Java Groove Cafe in Van Nuys - PaD 7/31/07

Sometimes you have to get out of the house/office in order to get things done. This picture shows my working environment today as I hang out at the Java Groove Cafe in Van Nuys, after an early client call this morning.

When I get away from all the tasks clamoring for my attention at home I find I can be much more productive. Ideas and tasks seem to flow out of me. If you are a GTD aficionado, this place seems perfect for the Gathering part of the methodology. I collect up lots of info and action items that I can then implement later, back in the office.

You can also see here how I use a combination of local computer, online and paper to "get things done". I am far foma GTD expert, but I try to apply it whenever I can.


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