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Sunday, July 22, 2007

At the wrap party - PaD 7/21/07

At the wrap party
Originally uploaded by dewelch
The movie, Pieces Parts, wrapped yesterday and we had our wrap party in Senior Hall, here on the campus of Stephens College.

What a whirlwind this last 2 weeks has been but especially the 6 days of filming on this movie, written by Rosanne. The students did an amazing job, working with a few key professionals, they did every aspect of movie production from lighting to sound to makeup to acting as extras to camera to, well...everything.

We both have meetings here in town and tonight we will show a rough cut of the film to students, staff and family. Then, 5 am local time tomorrow, we grab a shuttle to the airport and will be back in LA before in early afternoon.

This has been a great experiences, definitely something I would do again. Joseph has had a blast and made many new friends during our time here. The small town environment has also been great, allowing him a bit more independence to do things on his own without being watched every single moment.

See you all soon! -- Douglas and Rosanne


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