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Friday, June 01, 2007

Watching: A Series of Unfortunate Events

Chilling on this fine Friday night, the family and I pulled out a DVD of A Series of Unfortunate Events that friends had given us a while ago. I remember that the reviews weren't terribly good, but I figured it was worth spending a few minutes checking it out. We haven't read any of the books, although on the basis of the movie I might do just that, so we were coming into the movie without too many preconceptions.

Neither my wife or I is a big Jim Carrey fan, he can get a bit wearing if there is too much of his typical schtick, but overall the movie was quite entertaining. It's seems a bit of a pity that this movie didn't create a franchise for the films, as I would probably have seen the next one in the series.

My silliest comment is that it had some of the neatest title sequences I have seen in a long time. They are these lovely animated mini-movies in a style that seems influenced by Edward Gorey. This is the artist who you most commonly see in the opening of PBS' Mystery series.

If you would like to watch A Series of Unfortunate Events, you can buy it in a number of ways. There is the traditional DVD, of course, the the Amazon Unbox downloadable version or via Apple Lemony Snicket's a Series of Unfortunate Events.

You can always buy the books, of course, or get them from your local library.

Lemony Snicket Books

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or Download from Lemony Snicket's a Series of Unfortunate Events

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