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Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Project: Demonstrate Magnetohydrodynamic Propulsion in a Minute

Another neat project to do with the kids. It could even turn into a science fair project as they get older.

Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories - MHD I: Demonstrate Magnetohydrodynamic Propulsion in a Minute

Rember the silent caterpillar drive from the movie The Hunt for Red October? The caterpillar drive was a fictional magnetohydrodynamic propulsion system. Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) propulsion is a means of using electrical current, instead of a noisy propeller, to push a ship through the water.

Surprisingly enough, a working example of this futuristic drive system is quite easy to build. Assuming that you've got the materials handy, you can build one in about a minute. You'll need a strong magnet, two pieces of thick copper wire, a little dish of warm water, salt and pepper, and a regular battery.

(Via Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories .)

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