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Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Event: Getting organized can transform your life! Workshop - Jan 21, 2007

Note: Carmen is a fellow presenter from BarCampLA and she does great organization workshops. If you are looking to "get things done" in the New Year, this could be a perfect opportunity. -- Douglas

Optimal Mindset Workshop Series!

Getting organized can transform your life!

The Optimal Mindset for Work/Life Balance Workshop takes the best of leading corporate productivity techniques and teaches you to integrate them into your daily life - to help you achieve optimal use of your time and energy, so you can give the most of yourself to your job, your family and yourself.

Get rid of the endless to-do lists, learn how to manage your time and energy effectively, and give your every idea and goal a jumpstart to success.

In this one day, 4 hour workshop, we will take all your "stuff" - including incomplete tasks, goals, projects, old to-do lists, files, etc. and learn to effectively, efficiently and elegantly organize and process these items into achievable next actions, integrating everything into a simple and intuitive workflow.

If you'd like to get organized for a productive start to your new year, this is the perfect workshop for you!

Date: Sunday, January 21st, 2pm - 6pm
(with monthly workshops upcoming in February, March and April)
Location: Hollywood, CA ( directions sent out upon receipt of payment )
Cost: $130.00 (Payable via Paypal to cdj@optimalmindset.com)

There is limited seating, and I want to keep the groups fairly small (8 or less) to ensure that each participant receives some 1 on 1 coaching throughout the session. If you know someone else who could use a good dose of organizational coaching, feel free to let them know about this workshop. Additionally, if you have a group of people you'd like to get organized, then I am also available to do these workshops in your home or office. Private coaching is always available.

For more information, please email cdj@optimalmindset.com.

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