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Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Computer Tip: Don't write it down...at least, not yet

Listen to the audio version of this tip!

How do you approach computer training...or any training for that matter? Are you a hands-on doer? A Note-taker? A Watcher?

Everyone has a different way of learning. Some gather information best via their eyes; others; their ears. Some do it via touch and muscle memory.

While I highly recommend finding whatever way works best for you, I have found one method that seems to detract from the learning experience more than it helps. Some of my clients insist on writing down every single step when we are working through a task. Now, in some regards, note-taking can help to fix things in the mind. I know this true for me. Whenever I was taking a test in school, the answer usually appeared as a picture of a particular location on a particular page. The act of writing fixed a mental image that was very hard to dislodge.

That said, trying to write out procedures step-by-step can have several detrimental effects. First, it focuses the student on the minutia of click here, click OK, select My Documents, instead of giving them the big picture of how the computer works as a whole. I can understand the students desire to have something concrete in hand once I leave, but they are limiting themselves. All it takes is one small deviation from the norm...a minor error message...a changed default...an unfamiliar term to stop them in their tracks. Since they have absorbed only the steps and not the process, they often have no idea what to do next.

Writing down every step also slows the training process and removes any sense of "flow". Instead of taking in a concept in one whole, they must stop and start to keep up with the speed of their handwriting.

So, what to do? The next best method of retaining and reviewing training, besides applying it as soon after you learn it as possible, is to record the training session in audio or video. I have several clients who regularly record our sessions and then replay them in the car or anywhere else they have time. The inclusion of video enhances the process even more. You could also use screen capture software, such as TechSmith's Camtasia, to record the entire training session to a movie that the user can play back, complete with audio any time they wish. Then, they can go back and take notes at their leisure.

The next time you're inclined to try and write down every step of a procedure, see if you can forgo it, or use a bit of the technology around your house to record it for later review. I think you'll find that your learning and your training experience will improve dramatically.

Listen to the audio version of this tip!

Do you have a question or comment on this or other computer questions? Email them to myword@welchwrite.com or post them as comments using the Comments link below.

Link: Previous items on training at WelchWrite.com
Link: TechSmith's Camtasia Web Site
Link: Computer Training Resources from Amazon.com
Link: Subscribe to My Word using iTunes
Link: Subscribe to My Word using other podcasting programs

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Small Sketches #5

I did these sketches with a Fine Uniball pen and then added the red shading with a colored pencil.

Link: Previous sketches and posts about sketching
Link: Freehand Sketching by Paul Laseau
Link: Books about sketching

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Monday, January 30, 2006

Event: Great Backyard Bird Count Bird Walks

My good friend, Keri Dearborn, writes...

Have you ever wanted to be a field biologist?

If you are between 5 and 95, The Great Backyard Bird Count is your chance.

Feb. 17 - 20, across all of North America citizen scientists, like you, will be counting birds to establish how many birds there are and where they are located. You can participate on your own through www.birdsource.org/gbbc

or you can come out and join me. I will be counting birds:

Friday, 2/17; 3:30 - 5:30 PM at Sepulveda Basin Wildlife Refuge
This is one of the best local wetlands for seeing a wide range of birds. There will be lots to see so we will need lots of eyes.

Saturday, 2/18; 8:00 - 10:00 AM at the L.A. Zoo
This is a Bird Walk through the Zoo before it is open to the public. This event is free to all Zoo members by reservation. It is a great opportunity to see birds and the Zoo in the quiet of the morning. For reservations send your name, membership #, and the number of people in your party to lstoneman@lazoo.org.

Sunday, 2/19; 8:00 - 10:00 AM at Serrania Park in Woodland Hills
This is a great place for beginners. The park is small and the birds are many. I saw 22 species there this afternoon; including Northern flickers, cedar waxwings, and thrashers.

This is a chance to contribute to science, have a little fun, and maybe see a bird you've never seen before. When it comes to birding, we are all learning and kids make great birders because they have young eyes. If you'd like to join me Friday or Sunday, let me know, and I will send you directions to the meeting site.

Friday and Sunday locations are open to anyone that wishes to join me, whatever you birding ability.

The best way to learn about birds is to just go out and look.

Happy Birding, Keri Dearborn

Link: Great Backyard Birdcount Web Site
Link: Related info on birds from WelchWrite.com
Link: Books on Birdwatching

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Saturday, January 28, 2006

Small sketches #4

I did these sketches with a Fine Uniball pen and then added the red shading with a colored pencil.

Link: Previous sketches and posts about sketching
Link: Freehand Sketching by Paul Laseau
Link: Books about sketching

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January 27th Outage @ WelchWrite.com

If you were wondering what happened to WelchWrite.com yesterday, we suffered an outage at our web host from around 6 pm PST to 2:30 am PST. I haven't heard an explanation from my hosting company, but while the web server was out, email, which is probably hosted on a different machine continued to function.

If you use iTunes to download your podcasts, it may have marked any WelchWrite feed as having trouble. You can tell this by a little grey button (it's actually a white exclamation point inside of a grey circle) next to the name of the feed. If you see this "splat", you should right-click (control-click on Macintosh) and select Update Podcast. This should get things flowing again.

Sorry for the inconvenience!

Friday, January 27, 2006

Video: Stardust probe re-entry

A video was recently posted on Space.com showing the re-entry of the Stardust Recovery Capsule (SRC) from a chase plane with infrared cameras. Not something you see every day, that is for sure.

You can listen to my live audioblogs of the Stardust mission as it happened in this post, Stardust 012 Short interview - 3:04 am - Live audioblog

Capsules From the Cosmos: Stardust Success Could Signal More Sample Missions
By Leonard David Senior Space Writer

When the Stardust capsule blazed its way through Earth’s atmosphere to a parachute landing in Utah earlier this month, the event was a preview of extraterrestrial attractions to come.

Scientists are elated at the Stardust collectibles—pristine specimens of interstellar dust and comet particles from deep space.

Attention is now turning toward other objects: the Moon, Mars, comets and asteroids, even Venus and Saturn’s Titan—all are appetizing targets in the celestial sweet shop of cosmic sampling. [Continue Reading]

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Thursday, January 26, 2006

Japanese Garden Mini-Tour - Video and Photos

Note: I am releasing this both here and in the feed for A Gardener's Notebook as it is local to LA and also about gardening. --Douglas

As I was returning from a computer training client this afternoon I made a short detour by the Glendale-Higashioska Friendship Garden and Tea Room near the Brand Library in Glendale, California, 1601 W Mountain St, Glendale, 91201 - (818) 548-2051

I used to work near this park and often took my lunches here, enjoying its calming influence before heading back to my cubicle.

Today, I shot some video and put together the first AGN "mini-tour". I will be creating a series of these videos over the next year and beyond. I would love to hear your comments about the video, the still pictures and the garden itself. You can leave your thoughts by clicking the "comments" link below.

To automatically receive future audio and video podcasts, subscribe to My Word.

Music: Silk Route by Satya

Music for this video podcast provided from the PodShow Podsafe Music Network. Check it out at music.podshow.com.

Link: AGN Mini-Tour 001 - Friendship Garden Video
Link: AGN Mini-Tour 001 - Friendship Garden Photos
Link: Previous mentions of Japanese Gardens
Link: Books on Japanese Gardens

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Giant Lizards Invade Van Nuys Neighborhood!

Out for my morning walk, I came across this guy (at, least I assume its a guy), sunning himself in the front yard of a neighbor's house. A quick look in my reptile book turned up nothing, but for now I am going to label him, Lizardus Giganticus Vannuysiana.

Good to know someone in the neighborhood has a sense of humor. It certainly made me smile.

Click for larger versions

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Small Sketches #3

I did these sketches with a Fine Uniball pen and then added the red shading with a colored pencil.

Link: Previous sketches and posts about sketching
Link: Freehand Sketching by Paul Laseau
Link: Books about sketching

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Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Cars, not people

With a title like that, you might think that this is yet another diatribe against LA car culture and traffic. In a way it is, but living here in Van Nuys, steps from Van Nuys Auto Row, I have another perspective.

Forget about all the cars on the street. I am more concerned about all the cars on the lot. Drive Van Nuys Boulevard from the 101 to Oxnard and you will find auto dealer after auto dealer. Some are small Mom and Pop used dealers, but there are also the SoCal big boys including the Miller and Keyes dynasties. Block after block of cars and little else.

I understand the business reasons for collecting car dealerships into small areas, but the effect on the neighborhood is striking. We used to have a restaurant a block away, but years ago its lot was swallowed up by yet another Keyes dealership. Thankfully, it didn't close, but moved a couple of blocks away. In order to reach basic services like a supermarket, coffee shop, etc. you have to walk miles of useless car lot desert.

In a city with few walkable areas to begin with, miles and miles are car dealerships take what could be a vibrant collection of storefronts, restaurants and services, Instead of destinations, you end up with shadeless expanses of concrete and steel offering neither sustenance nor edification. These lots are something to be borne, rather than appreciated. Where there could be a neighborhood, there is wasteland.

Yes, yes, I know tax base, blah blah, industry, blah, blah, business, blah, blah blah. These are cold comfort to the residents who have to get in the car to get milk and bread. Some of us live in the city to be part of the city, but these dead zones along major city thoroughfares are like giant sinkholes that swallow up entire neighborhoods.

There are ways to turning this around, though. Why can't small storefronts, coffee bars, newsstands and restaurants mix with the dealerships? Why can't we provide neighborhood businesses, along with their foot traffic, along with the dealers to serve those who are actually looking for a new car? Man does not live on bread alone, but we can't live on gasoline, steel and rubber, either. Just as newly borne freeways once divided neighborhoods and destroyed communities, endless stretches of dealerships threaten to do the same thing.

Event: Winter Botanical Drawing Workshop

Winter Botanical Drawing Workshop

TUE 1/31 11am

Sooky Goldman Nature Ctr

Artists of all levels, draw or paint plants while learning about native flora. Group size is limited. Reservations required 323-656-3899. 4hrs WODOC/ MRCA

Link: Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area Info
Link: How to Draw Plants by Keith Wes
Link: Other books on botanical drawing

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Monday, January 23, 2006

The sounds of a dying/dead hard drive

Ever wanted to know what it sounds like when a hard drive is failing? Here is your chance. If these noises don't give you a reason to backup your files then nothing will.

Hard Drive Dying Dance Track Contest

DJ Hitachi Global Storage has dropped six new tracks on us. Head Stuck to Platter, Slow Spindle Motor, and Head Damage 1-4. Yep, these are all the authentic sounds of hard drives experiencing meltdowns. Or, as Hitachi artfully puts it: "There are various noises that may indicate a failing hard drive. If you are experiencing any of the noises, please contact the technical support center at: 888-426-5214"

(Via Gizmodo.)

Link: Previous mentions of backups
Link: Maxtor OneTouch Backup Drive

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Sunday, January 22, 2006

Small Sketches #2

This is the second of a series of sketches from my sketchbook. They are actually mroe doodles than sketches. I did them as I sat listening to podcasts one evening. I am trying to honor the urge to sketch whenever I feel it, instead of letting other busy work get in the way.

I did these sketches with a Fine Uniball pen and then added the red shading with a colored pencil.

Link: Previous sketches and posts about sketching
Link: Sketching school by Judy Martin
Link: Books about sketching

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Event: Free Cultural Workshop - Satwiwa

Free Cultural Workshop - Satwiwa Native American Indian Culture Center

SUN 1/29 - 10am

Listen to the flute music of Patrick Mirabel. Info: 805-370-2301. 2hrs NPS

Link: Previous mention of events
Link: Books on California Indians
Link: Join the WelchEvents Mailing List!
Link: Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area Info

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Saturday, January 21, 2006

Event: Play in the snow at St. Cyril's Winterfest - Encino

St. Cyril's of Jerusalem school in Encino is avoiding the crush of summer festivals this year and creating a WINTERFEST instead.

A day of snow play in the San Fernando Valley. No mountain travel required. 10 tons of snow will transform the St. Cyril's parking lot into a Winter Wonderland. Sledding Hills. Snow-play areas. Live entertainment. Food. Drinks. Games. Kid's Crafts.

When: Saturday, February 4, 2006, 10 am - 8 pm
Where: St. Cyril's of Jerusalem School, 4548 Haskell Ave.
Encino, California 91436 (on Ventura Blvd. between Firmament and Haskell)
Cost: All day snow play writstband - $10 pre-sale/$15 day of event
Games/Food/Drink Tickets: 50 cents each or $10 sheet for $9 pre-sale

Info: winterfest2006@aol.com

Event: Winter Nature Walk

Winter Nature Walk

SAT 1/28 - 10am

Charmlee Wilderness Park

Join a naturalist to search for migratory birds and early blooming plants. Bring binoculars and water. Meet in upper parking lot. Parking fee. 2hrs CMPRD

Link: Subscribe to the WelchEvents Mailing List

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Small Sketches #1

This is the first of a series of sketches from my sketchbook. They are actually more doodles than sketches. I did them as I sat listening to podcasts one evening. I am trying to honor the urge to sketch whenever I feel it, instead of letting other busy work get in the way.

I did these sketches with a Fine Uniball pen and then added the red shading with a colored pencil.

Link: Previous sketches and posts about sketching
Link: Fast Sketching Techniques by David J. Rankin
Link: Books about sketching

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Friday, January 20, 2006

NASA Stardust Capsule Coming Home!

Cool photo, taken from Flickr, of the Stardust Recovery Capsule coming through the atmosphere on the way to its landing in Utah last week.

California Freezing...

Brrrr. Don't see this too often, but it looks like tonight will be a cold one. My thermometers hit about 41 degrees last night, but it looks like this might be even colder. I doubt it will get below freezing here in the middle of the Valley, although I do remember at least one occasion in our 20 years here where it did freeze all the puddles and created a bit of black ice. Angelenos have enough trouble driving in the rain. I don't even want to imagine them driving on ice!


...another round of sub-freezing temperatures expected across portions of southwest california overnight and early saturday morning...

(Via EDIS: Southern CA -- Los Angelos Area, San Luis Obispo, and Santa Barbara.)

Event: Bob Friedhoffer - The Science of Magic and Illusion

Bob Friedhoffer - The Science of Magic and Illusion

Thursday, January 26, 2006 at 8:00 PM
Beckman Auditorium
FREE; no tickets or reservations required

Bob Friedhoffer ("The Madman of Magic") has taken the art of magic to new level by using it to entertain and to teach! Bob has spent his life exploring the scientific principles behind magic and illusion. But this is no boring recitation ... Bob is funny, witty, entertaining, and he will fool you!

Bob has performed in venues from private homes to Atlantic City revues to the White House (for President Carter), and has made numerous television appearances. Bob is the author of more than 25 books for children about science and magic. His last four books have focused on creating physics labs from products found in the supermarket, the home, and in hardware and housewares stores, emphasizing the physical principles underlying common household gadgets.

Link: CalTech Events Calendar
Link: Subscribe to the WelchEvents Mailing List
Link: Books about Magic and more from Amazon.com

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Geek to Live: Lifehacker Pack

Wow! Gina over at Lifehacker just keeps turning out great information. Here is her collection of indispensable, and mainly free, tools that gets her through her work day.

I have used mainly, if not all of these products and heartily concur on her recommendations. Due to the cost of many commercial programs I am moving to more open source, freeware and shareware programs than ever before.

If you need to be productive without blowing your budget, this list gives you a great place to start.

Geek to Live: Lifehacker Pack by Gina Trapani

Recently Google released a collection of free software for Windows called Google Pack. The big G made some good applications choices for the Pack and a couple of atrocious ones (RealPlayer *cough* Norton *cough*).

Coincidentally, a year ago, when Lifehacker was still just a turkey in the oven, my publisher and I discussed releasing a CD of the best free software. We never got around to it, but if we did, here's a list of applications I'd include in Lifehacker Pack. [Continue Reading]

(Via Lifehacker.)

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Fold a paper CD case

There is no reason to spend your hard-earned cash on jewel cases for all your burned CDs. Instead, download this PDF, print it out and follow the directions to fold it into a neat little paper case.

The site even has tools that allow you to enter Album, Track and Title information, to personalize the cover.

Link: Paper CD Case

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Thursday, January 19, 2006

Stardust @ Home

This project was mentioned during the Stardust recovery but I couldn't find any more information on it. Now, here are links to the web site and press release. Susan at 2020Hindsight.org is reporting that over 65,000 people have already signed up for the project!

Public to look for dust grains in Stardust detectors

By Robert Sanders, Media Relations | 10 January 2006

BERKELEY – Astronomy buffs who jumped at the chance to use their home computers in the SETI@home search for intelligent life in the universe will soon be able to join an Internet-based search for dust grains originating from stars hundreds of thousands of light years away.

In a new project called Stardust@home, University of California, Berkeley, researchers will invite Internet users to help them search for a few dozen submicroscopic grains of interstellar dust captured by NASA's Stardust spacecraft and due to return to Earth in January 2006.

This aerogel array, which was mounted atop the Stardust spacecraft, was used to collect interstellar dust particles as well as dust from the tail of comet Wild 2. [Continue Reading]

Link: Stardust @ Home
See also: Stardust Mission Home Page
See also: NASA TV

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Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Geek to Live: Train others how to use email from LifeHacker.com

This is a great article from Lifehacker.com on how to better use email and, through your example, train others, too.

If you have ever emailed me, you may have noticed that I have used several of these hints, including the first one on resetting the subject of the message. Whenever I reply to a message without a subject, or with a bad subject like "Hi!", I make a point of resetting it to something appropriate. This helps both the sender and myself to easily track the thread of the conversation.

There are some great tips and hints here that we all should absorb and put to use today. Email can be a wonderful tool, but it needs to be used correctly to gain all the benefits it has to offer.

Geek to Live: Train others how to use email by Gina Trapani

It may be the year 2006, but most people still don't know how to use email correctly. Irrelevant subject lines, top-posting, excessive cc'ing, rambling, mixing topics in single threads - the list of prolific bad email habits goes on. Instead of being the tiresome know-it-all who slaps correspondents across the wrist for terrible netiquette, use more subtle methods of teaching better email habits to those with whom you write.

The key is to teach by example. Here are a few ways to wrangle spaghetti email messages from the clueless into more effective communication AND to gently nudge them toward better habits in the future.

(Via Lifehacker.)

Link: Post posts and columns on email

Link: Books about using email from Amazon.com

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Stolen Mac Laptops to "Phone Home"

As more and more of us start carrying laptops everywhere we go, the chances of them "growing legs" becomes greater. Their portability is one of their greatest strengths and greatest flaws.

If you are worried that your Macintosh laptop might be stolen, the folks at Orbicule want to talk to you. Their new software product, Undercover, works in several ways to help you recover your stolen laptop.

From Orbicule's web site...

"See what happens on your stolen Mac

In case of theft, Undercover not only reveals the internet location of your Mac, it also transmits screenshots, enabling you to closely monitor your stolen Mac. In fact, it's the first theft recovery software on any platform to do this. As these screenshots are sent at regular intervals, they will sooner or later reveal the thief's identity (e.g. when chatting, reading e-mail,...) making it much easier to work with law enforcement in order to recover your Mac.
Plan B is even better

If recovery of the stolen Mac fails for any reason, Undercover has an ingenious plan B. In this mode, Undercover will simulate a hardware failure, gradually making the Mac's screen unusable. This erratic behaviour will be accompanied by a Mac OS X system message stating that a hardware failure has been detected. All this should urge the thief to bring the Mac to an authorized Apple reseller. At that point, Undercover will show a full-screen message alerting the reseller (or someone who bought the Mac from the thief) that the Mac has been stolen, that it has become unusable and that it needs to be returned as soon as possible. Our contact information and a promise for a finder's fee will be displayed as well. Additionally, your Mac will start shouting this message, asking to return it as soon as possible."

Link: Orbicule

Link: Possible solution for Windows laptop owners

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Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Adelphia Issues

I know that I am far from the only person experiencing problems with their cable company (Go Podcasting!), but the last 2 weeks have been horrible. I have had at least 4 days when my high-speed Internet has been out of service for nearly the entire business day. Service would then return around 6-7 PM. I spotted trucks all over the neighborhood and it looked like they were replacing amplifiers on many of the poles.

While I have been pretty satisfied with my service over the last several years, the extra cost of high-speed cable and now, these extensive outages, are pushing me towards SBC DSL. Of course, that has its own host of problems, but at least it is cheaper. (SMILE)

From a customer service standpoint, I wouldn't be so irked if that had, at least, informed us that there would be outages between certain hours of the day. At least then I could have planned to camp out at the Sherman Oaks Branch of the LAPL and used their free Wi-Fi to get some work done. Instead, I have heard nothing and the phone techs (who have all been unfailingly professional) can't tell me anything beyond "Yes, there is an outage in your area and there is no ETA for restoration of service."

Monopolies Suck and Absolute Monopolies Sucks Absolutely! Grrrrr!

Monday, January 16, 2006

Event: SRL (Survival Research Labs) @ Fringe Exhibitions

Updated 1/21/06: After reading other posts it looks like this won't be an SRL show, but just the gallery opening itself. There will be video and static display of artifacts and robots, though. I tried calling the gallery to confirm this, but didn't receive any answer. - Douglas

I have heard a lot about this group from other blogs such as BoingBoing. I have another event nearby this Saturday, so I am going to finally go down and see what the "noise" is all about. My previous reading has warned me to be prepared with good earplugs and maybe even dust masks/respirators. I figure it is good to start the year by trying new things...and, despite the fact that SRL has been around since 1978, this is certainly a new thing for me. -- Douglas

SRL (Survival Research Labs) @ Fringe Exhibitions

Opening Reception: Saturday, January 21, from 6 - 8 PM

504 chung king court, los angeles 90012

213 613 0160

For its inaugural exhibition Fringe Exhibitions is pleased to present the work of Mark Pauline, director of Survival Research Laboratories (SRL).

This exhibition will feature the newest addition to the SRL machine family- the Sneaky Soldiers- near life sized, remote controlled army of revolutionaries. Also included in the exhibition will be large-scale documentary images, and the premier of the video from SRL's recent show in Downtown Los Angeles. This video features the first invasion of the Sneaky Soldiers. The SRL commentary on the art of war debued a Sneaky Soldier emerging from an 18-foot tall wooden Trojan horse to face danger from large-scale destructive robots enduring the pain of flame and damage through a hail of sparks and projectiles. After the fog of war was lifted from the field of battle revealing mangled wrecks of machinery, the Sneaky Soldiers were gathered to be repaired to fight again another day. Similar to a real theater of war where battle takes place, these machines and props engage in a struggle for survival. Both the machines and operators expend intense energy creating an atmosphere of immediacy and choreographed chaos. Each of the eight soldiers has an individual number and distinct battle wounds from the performance. The Sneaky Soldier has been a recurring character in many SRL performances. The new Sneaky Soldier is a major technological improvement with a steel torso enclosing a battery powered, chain driven mechanism to create a crawling action.

Link: Read more from the press release

Link: Survival Research Labs
Link: LAVoice.org Story with photos and video

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Sunday, January 15, 2006

Career Opportunities: The High-Tech Career Handbook

Also available from WelchWrite.com...

Weekly print column and twice-weekly podcast on the unique challengers of a high-tech career.

Stardust Photos - January 15, 2006

Here are a few photos I took during the Stardust Mission at JPL.

Gallery contains 21 pictures

See also: Stardust Mission Home Page
See also: NASA TV

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Stardust is home and so am I!

Its now 4 am PST and I got home about 10 minutes ago. I just checked the audioblog posts and I think they came out quite well considering they were posted directly from my cell phone. The last entry is a short interview with my friend, David Jefferson who was kind enough to invite us. For once, we actually saw quite a bit of him in the control room shot on NASA TV.

I will post pictures as soon as I get up, later this morning. I will neaten up the posts and title them all so things are easier to find. I hope you enjoy this little glimpse into a JPL mission. -- Douglas

Stardust 012 Short interview - 3:04 am - Live audioblog

this is an audio post - click to play

Link to the main blog page to see photos and listen to all 12 audio blog entries

** Updated (1:32 PST): All audioblog entries as one downloadable file

See also: Stardust Mission Home Page
See also: NASA TV

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Also from Welchwrite.com...

Career Opportunities: The High-Tech Career Handbook

A weekly print column and twice-weekly podcast on the unique challenges of a high-tech career.

Stardust 011 "Safe on the Ground" - 2:14 am - Live audioblog

this is an audio post - click to play

See also: Stardust Mission Home Page
See also: NASA TV

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Stardust 010 Awaiting Touchdown - 2:10 am - Live audioblog

this is an audio post - click to play

See also: Stardust Mission Home Page
See also: NASA TV

Technorati Tags: , , , , , ,

Stardust 009 Main Chute Deploy - 2:09 am - Live audioblog

this is an audio post - click to play

See also: Stardust Mission Home Page
See also: NASA TV

Technorati Tags: , , , , , ,

Stardust 008 Awaiting Main Chute Deploy - 2:02 am - Live audioblog

this is an audio post - click to play

See also: Stardust Mission Home Page
See also: NASA TV

Technorati Tags: , , , , , ,

Stardust 007 Drogue Chute Deploy - 2:01 am - Live audioblog

this is an audio post - click to play

See also: Stardust Mission Home Page
See also: NASA TV

Technorati Tags: , , , , , ,

Stardust 006 SRC appears on FLIR infrared cameras - 1:59 am - Live audioblog

this is an audio post - click to play

See also: Stardust Mission Home Page
See also: NASA TV

Technorati Tags: , , , , , ,

Stardust 005 Maui tracking station gains fix - 1:53 am - Live audioblog

this is an audio post - click to play

See also: Stardust Mission Home Page
See also: NASA TV- coverage starts at 1:30 am PST.

Technorati Tags: , , , , , ,

Stardust 004 Describing coverage - 30 mins out - 1:46 am - Live audioblog

this is an audio post - click to play

See also: Stardust Mission Home Page
See also: NASA TV- coverage starts at 1:30 am PST.

Technorati Tags: , , , , , ,

Stardust 003 NASA TV starts coverage - weather report - 1:30am - Live audioblog

this is an audio post - click to play

See also: Stardust Mission Home Page
See also: NASA TV- coverage starts at 1:30 am PST.

Technorati Tags: , , , , , ,

Stardust 002 Volunteer Program - 1:18 am - Live audioblog

this is an audio post - click to play

See also: Stardust Mission Home Page
See also: NASA TV- coverage starts at 1:30 am PST.

Technorati Tags: , , , , , ,

Stardust 001 Introduction - 1:12 am - Live audioblog

A short introduction and basic mission information

this is an audio post - click to play

See also: Stardust Mission Home Page
See also: NASA TV- coverage starts at 1:30 am PST.

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Saturday, January 14, 2006

Stardust Memories 1

My friend, David, works in the navigation area at JPL, (Jet Propulsion Laboratory) in Pasadena, California. As a technology geek, you can imagine that I am always interested in his projects. We have attended the JPL Open House on several occasions and always have a great time.

Tonight, or I should say, tomorrow morning, we will be heading over to the lab for a rendezvous with the stars. Around 2:15am PST, the Stardust probe will return its payload of comet trail particles to Earth. While the payload will land in Utah, we will be in the JPL theater watching everything on a live video feed. I have watched several of these events on television and via webcast, but this will be the first time I have been able to be at the lab during one. It should be pretty neat, even if it makes for a late night.

I hope to take a lot of pictures and maybe even post some audio blog entries from the event. You will see any entries here on My Word or you can monitor the RSS feed at http://feeds.feedburner.com/myword

See also: Stardust Mission Home Page
See also: NASA TV- coverage starts at 1:30 am PST.

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Event: Fun with Nature - Malibu Creek State Park

Fun with Nature

SAT 1/21 - 12:15p-2:30p

Malibu Creek State Park

Children young and old can enjoy exhibits, crafts, and games at the visitor center (0.75 mile from the parking lot). MCD

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Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Event: Plein Air Watercolor Landscape Painting

Plein Air Watercolor Landscape Painting

WED 1/18 - 10a-2p

Paramount Ranch

All levels and medias are welcome. Bring art materials, sketchbook and camera. TOPAW

See also: Previous posts on watercolor
See also: Books about Plein Air Watercolor

Subscribe to the WelchEvents Mailing List!

Monday, January 09, 2006

New RSS Feed for My Word

If you subscribe to the My Word RSS feed (See the Subscribe to My Word link on the right) you should update your RSS reader with the new address.


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Beetle-Bot - A How-To

Over a year ago Joe and I built this robot based on some web site plans. This looks to be a similar set of plans but the presentation is much improved.

If you want to try your hand at creating a robot that tears across the floor and uses feelers to avoid obstacles, you should reall try this out. I chose this one as my first robot as it has, basically, no electronics. The most complex part are 2 switches that operate the feelers.
HOW TO - Build a Beetle Robot

Here's a great how to for simple bot "The following article will show you how to build a simple robot, called "The Beetle Robot". It's great for beginners and easy to do. Most of the components can be bought for much cheaper at Digi-Key, Jameco, or similar. At Solarbotics you can find the dual AA battery holder and the Mabuchi motor. You can find these components at any good electronic store." Thanks William! Link.

(Via MAKE: Blog.)

See also: Original mention of the Beetle-Bot in My Word
See also: Previous posts on robots
See also: Books on building robots

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Thursday, January 05, 2006

Microsoft Patches Major Windows Flaw - Update Your System Today!

Microsoft has just released a fix for the major flaw that I wrote about a few days ago. This is far ahead of their initial estimate that the fix would arrive on Tuesday. I highly recommend that everyone install this patch, as there is no other protection available. You may see this update appears as an automatic update, if you have that feature enabled on your PC.

You can install the fix immediatly by running Windows Update, visiting http://windowsupdate.microsoft.com or downloading and installing the fix from http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/bulletin/ms06-001.mspx

From Microsoft.com...

Microsoft Security Bulletin MS06-001
Vulnerability in Graphics Rendering Engine Could Allow Remote Code Execution (912919)

Executive Summary:

This update resolves a newly-discovered, public vulnerability. The vulnerability is documented in the "Vulnerability Details" section of this bulletin.

Note This vulnerability is currently being exploited and was previously discussed by Microsoft in Microsoft Security Advisory 912840.

If a user is logged on with administrative user rights, an attacker who successfully exploited this vulnerability could take complete control of an affected system. An attacker could then install programs; view, change, or delete data; or create new accounts with full user rights. Users whose accounts are configured to have fewer user rights on the system could be less impacted than users who operate with administrative user rights.

We recommend that customers apply the update immediately.

Thanks to Kevin Devin and George Starcher at the In The Trenches podcast for the quick notification of this patch. You can find their podcast at http://kevindevin.com/

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Event: Winter Botanical Drawing Workshop

Winter Botanical Drawing Workshop

Tue 1/10 - 11am

Sooky Goldman Nature Ctr

Draw or paint plants while learning about native flora. For artists of all levels. Group size is limited. Reservations required 323-656-3899. 4hrs WODOC/ MRCA

See also: Books on Botanical Drawing
See also: Subscribe to the WelchEvents Mailing List!

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Autry National Center releases audio guides as "podcasts"

While they seem a little hazy on the meaning of the word "podcast" the Autry National Center in Los Angeles has released their new museum audio tours as downloadable files that can be loaded into any MP3 player.

This seems like a great, new attitude on behalf of museums and I would love to see more do the same. Of course, you can always make your own audio tour of your favorite museum, art gallery or historic site and share it with the world, too.
The Autry National Center is offering adults and children a whole new way to explore our galleries with audio tours. Visitors can choose the artifacts or works of art you want to learn more about and hear brief presentations, with quotes, music and sound effects to inspire a closer look. Families will find specially created scripts to help them talk about what they see, think about key moments in time and learn about the history of the American West.

Link: Autry National Center Audio Tours
See also: Previous posts about the Autry National Center
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Major Windows Security Flaw*

I have been sitting on this story for about a week, trying to sort out fact from fiction and, hopefully provide you some sort of work around, but it appears from this story that no fix will be forthcoming from Microsoft until, at least, January 10. Until then, you need to be extra careful about clicking on links or running attachments.

I would recommend checking your anti-virus program for updates each day until this is fixed, so that you get any updates the anti-spyware and anti-virus companies might provide in the meantime.

If you are effected by this exploit, anti-spyware products, like Ad-Aware and Microsoft Anti-Spyware should be able to remove anything that gets installed.
Windows PCs face ‘huge’ virus threat
By Kevin Allison in San Francisco
Published: January 2 2006 18:18

"...The flaw, which allows hackers to infect computers using programs maliciously inserted into seemingly innocuous image files, was first discovered last week. But the potential for damaging attacks increased dramatically at the weekend after a group of computer hackers published the source code they used to exploit it. Unlike most attacks, which require victims to download or execute a suspect file, the new vulnerability makes it possible for users to infect their computers with spyware or a virus simply by viewing a web page, e-mail or instant message that contains a contaminated image..." [Continue Reading]

* Updated (2:40pm PST): Detailed discussion on this issue from SlashDot

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Event: Twilight Marshmallow Hike -- Charmlee Wilderness Park

Twilight Marshmallow Hike -- Charmlee Wilderness Park

SAT 1/7 -- 4pm

All ages are welcome on this early evening hike followed by marshmallows. Bring your own marshmallows and skewers. Reservations required 310-317-1364. Parking fee. 2.5hrs CMPRD

See also: Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area Info

See also: Books on Hiking in Los Angeles

See also: Receive more events like this -- Join the WelchEvents Mailing List!

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Monday, January 02, 2006

50 Ways to be More Creative from PigPog

We all can use a little jump start with our creativity. Start your New Year off right and check out these varying ways to get your creativity up and running.

50 Ways to be More Creative | PigPog

It's a new year. Time to resolve to do things differently. More creatively, perhaps. Here's fifty ideas for ways you can resolve to be more creative this year...

(Via PigPog.)

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Sunday, January 01, 2006

Paper Airplane Simulator

Paper airplane simulator

A very cool (and educational) game that allows you to modify 3 specific aspects of a paper airplane's design, conduct a test of 5 throws and automatically compares each run, highlighting the best aspects of each run. I spent 30 minutes with this without even trying.

(Via Fark.)

See Also: Books about paper airplanes

See also: Previous posts about paper airplanes