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Wednesday, December 06, 2006

TechnologyIQ LIVE - Monday, Dec 18, 2006 @ 9 PM EST/6 PM PST

by Douglas E. Welch, techiq@welchwrite.com

Ask your technology questions BEFORE you buy. Join Douglas E. Welch, a computer consultant and writer with 20+ years of technology experience, and find out what to buy the technology-lover in your life.

TechnologyIQ is a talk show about technology, including, but not limited to computers, home appliances, cell phones and any other technology you might encounter during your day. Join the discussion and ask your most pressing questions LIVE. The show will also be available as a podcast -- meaning you can still receive it automatically, even if you can't attend.

If you ever attended one of my computer classes at the Sherman Oaks Branch of the Los Angeles Public Library, this show will be along the same question and answer format but the topics will be more varied.

The next episode of TechnologyIQ is scheduled for Monday, December 18, 2006 @ 6PM PST, before the Christmas holiday, so you can get some great advice for all those holiday purchases.

Please let me know what days and times would be best for you for future shows. We will have a national audience, but I want to include as many of my clients and past students in the mix, as possible.

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