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Thursday, December 21, 2006

Show your support! - Digg our podcasts!

There is a new way to show your support of the WelchWrite podcasts, and individual episodes -- give us a "Digg" over at Digg.com

Digg is a site where people can submit tech stories which people can then vote on. The most popular stories make it to the front page of the site. Digg recently added a podcast section to allow listeners to do the same with their favorite podcasts.

If you enjoy any of the WelchWrite Podcasts, please give us a Digg using the following links:

Digg My Word with Douglas E. Welch
Digg A Gardener's Notebook
Digg Career Opportunities: Helping to Build the Career You Deserve

Many thanks for your support, as always. Keeping listening and be well!


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