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Monday, November 13, 2006

ReviewMe - Bringing bloggers and advertisers together

Regular readers will now that I love reviewing neat stuff, whether it is the latest mystery book, gardening gadget or high-tech gear. It can be a bit difficult, though, to get the information and products to review. Mainly this is because of a simple disconnect between the companies who would like me to review their product and myself. How do we find one another?

ReviewMe seeks to bridge that gap by providing advertisers a method of finding bloggers who are willing to review their product in return for some cash. This is not to say that myself, or any blogger, is simply going to be shilling for whatever product comes along, though. I hope you know me better than that. Instead, I will be selectively picking and choosing the reviews to bring you information on products that I find interesting and hopefully you will, too.

In an effort to be completely transparent, ReviewMe requires all bloggers to clearly note when they are writing a ReviewMe review. (Note: That is what I am doing right now. This is a sponsored post.) You won't find any hidden agenda here. Bloggers CANNOT BE REQUIRED to give a positive review. That only makes sense. For myself, I tend to never bother writing bad reviews. I'm much more interested in telling your about good things. That said, you can be assured that when I write about a product, I really like it.

So, I don't know how many reviews I might be writing in the future, but this is the first. ReviewMe is asking me to help spread the word and I am doing just that. If you are a blogger, or an advertiser, check them out. I could be the start of something good. (SMILE)

You can find out more about ReviewMe by visiting their web site.


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