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Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Elsewhere Online: HOW TO - Make paper

This is an incredibly detailed How-To on making your own paper -- something I have always wanted to do. It is resources like this, where sharing information is the highest priority, that makes the Internet a truly amazing place.

In the past, finding science fair projects for kids was a chore. Every year saw a regurgitation of the same projects again and again. Now, with resources like Make, I am starting to see totally new concepts and experiments. I can't wait to start using them for my son's projects as he gets older.

HOW TO - Make paper

B. Zedan wrote in with a great paper making how-to... - "A step-by-step tutorial on making paper in your kitchen, no fancy press required. Lots of notes on the photos for advice and help. I made this tutorial a year ago and since I've had people from all over tell me they used it to make paper for the first time (and they've made some lovely sheets). That sort of thing is terribly exciting to me, I think paper is the best addiction ever." (Continues)

(Via MAKE: Blog.)

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