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Saturday, August 05, 2006

Listening To... - Beyond Jazz

This is the first in a series of podcasting articles where I work my way through my list of current subscribed podcasts and let you know what I'm listening to on my computer and my iPod.

#1 Beyond Jazz


Beyondjazz is an online future jazz community. Our main focus is a website, Beyondjazz.net, which holds zillions of interviews, profiles, reviews, playlists, charts and more. With 2700+ registered members and more than a thousand visits a day, www.beyondjazz.net has in less than 2 years become one of the must-visit sites for any music lover with a passion for sophisticated beats & soulful melodies.

Next to that there’s the weekly 2hour Beyondjazz.Radioshow (available on the internet through live streaming as well as on demand and broadcasted on Urgent.fm in the area of Gent, Belgium), there’s the Beyondjazz.Parties, the Beyondjazz.Dj-team and Beyondjazz.Productions putting out fresh music by new and upcoming kids.

From Douglas:

I came across this podcast very early on and have remained subscribed to it for over 1 1/2 years. Beyond Jazz is an eclectic, and usually NSFW (Not Safe For Work), collection of hip-hop, jazz, electronica and just about every other type of music. For me, it is one, small way to stay connected to what is happening in music today. I am sure that my friends would be utterly amazed at what I am listening to on this show, as they have quite a different opinion of my musical tastes. The fact is, I love all types of music and this show is a great way to listen to a little of everything, without requiring a full-time commitment to one radio station and one style of music.

At 2 hours, I rarely get to listen to an entire show at one sitting. Usually I end up sampling bits and pieces over the course of a week or so. It is a great change from the other podcasts I listen to and allows me to zone out to some great tunes instead of focusing on some tech conference on open source software or social networking.

You can check out Beyond Jazz directly from their web site or by subscribing copying this feed and pasting into iTunes by selecting Advanced Menu, Subscribe to Podcast... They don't appear to have a listing in the iTunes Podcast Directory.

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