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Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Event: Make Magazine Issue #7 (Backyard Biology) Launch Party

BoingBoing.net points out this event right here in our own backyard...well, at least in Los Angeles. This sounds like a neat party and a great introduction into all Machine Project provides.

Make Magazine Issue #7 (Backyard Biology) Launch Party

Lecture and launch party - Saturday August 12, 8pm

Lately when we tell people about the classes at Machine Project, they say, “Oh, like Make Magazine“. So we’ve decided to embrace the confusion and host a launch party for the new issue of Make. Jed Berk will be there to talk about autonomous flocking behaviour in robotic blimps, Make editor and internet superstar Mark Frauenfelder will be there to introduce the new issue and chat with you about general makery, and Issue 7 (Back Yard Biology) will be there for you to peruse and purchase, which includes an article on making a home mushroom growing lab by our friend Phil Ross

(Via Boing Boing.)

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