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Sunday, August 13, 2006

Elsewhere Online: Podcasting Recording Hacks

As yo may have noticed, I am beginning to make My Word a bit of a clearing house for podcasting information. Hence the "On Podcasting..." articles I am writing and also links to great podcasting articles, like this.

Podcasting Recording Hacks

(Via lifehack.org.)

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At 8:55 PM, Blogger Chris said...

Hi! Thanks for your kind words about my podcasting article (from lifehack.org). I'm always available to talk about podcasting.

If you haven't checked out the fine work of John C. Havens over at http://podcasting.about.com , you might give it a try. He's collecting and sharing lots of resources.

Also, check out http://podcamp.org . We're doing a FREE unconference in Boston on Sept 9-10.

Lastly, I run GrasshopperNewMedia.com, which includes New Media School. Feel free to check it out and let me know if that makes a useful podcasting resource.

--Chris Brogan...


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