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Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Elsewhere Online: E-mail Etiquette: Writing an Effective Subject Line

I often (gently) chide my clients about the necessity for good subject lines on their emails, and here is a great post on exactly that topic from LifeSpy. If you want to increase your chances for keeping your email out reader's SPAM filters and increasing productivity, these tips are a great place to start.

E-mail Etiquette: Writing an Effective Subject Line

To improve the way you communicate, take two minutes to write more effective e-mail subject lines.

The Problem -- Too many people fall into the trap of writing vague e-mail subject titles like “Hello”, “Hi” or even forget to bother with a title at all. The trouble is that junk mail tends to look pretty much the same. When writing e-mails to friends, you can probably get away with being vague or sloppy; however, professional correspondence like at work or college requires more thought. Especially if you want a reply. [Continues]

(Via LifeSpy.)

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