Web Service: Gliffy.com - Create and share diagrams online.
I came across this today, while reading my RSS feeds and it is too cool. I often have a need to hack up a quick chart describing a network or a process flow and this web service looks like it will be very useful in the future.
Create network diagrams, flow charts, user interface mockups, floor plans and more. You can print, save as JPG, PNG and SVG, collaborate with others on your diagram and publish the results to the Internet.
Note: Mac users will want to use the free Firefox browser (see the link at right), as Safari does not seem to work with the site.
Gliffy.com - Create and share diagrams online. Web-based replacement for Visio. I hope this means no more stealing a copy of the entire MS Office suite just to do one flowchart.
(Via del.icio.us/merlinmann.)
Technorati Tags: make, technology, windows, macintosh, software, computers, high-tech, freeware, free, sketch, drawing
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