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Wednesday, July 12, 2006

"Power" Serendipity

I recently picked up The 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene from the library to re-read it. I must have read something that spurred my interest in the book again, although I don't remember exactly what it was.

Oddly enough, today's Los Angeles Times includes an article on how Hip-Hop artists are using it as a virtual guidebook to navigating the tough music industry.

See Laws for an Outlaw Culture, Los Angeles Times, July 12, 2006

While rappers might be reading this as a guidebook, I have always looked on it more as a self-protection manual.

For me, learning what you opponents might be trying to do to you is far more important than engaging in the behaviors themselves. The fact is, most of the "48 Laws" carry a heavy ethical, social and personal burden. Anyone attempting to live by these laws would soon find their existence a weird half-life where more time was spent attending to the "Laws" than actually living life.

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