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Monday, May 22, 2006

Why aren't you podcasting?

Maybe I have been drinking the podcaster kool-aid for too long, but I am developing a great distaste for everything "old media." While I am disappointed in the quality of most mainstream entertainment these days, I am even more sorry for those who continue to try and break into dying mediums like network television and radio.

Everyday, I see writers, directors, actors, musicians and others struggling so hard to please unappreciative gatekeepers...agents, producers, network executives...while appreciative audiences are begging for entertaining and informative content. These artists are so entrenched in the old world methods of being an artists they can't break away from the out-dated concept of the big show...the big score. They just can't see it. So instead of reaching out to audiences in the hundreds, thousands or more, they squander their talents trying to please some arrogant producer that cares nothing about their project and even less about them.

Already people all over the world are showing each other the way to a new model for mass communication. Yet, so many of those who could make the best use of this new model simply ignore it in search of the network sitcom, the one-man show or a recording contract. They spend so much time trying to convince others of the value of the art that, at the end of their days, they will have dreamed big and produced nothing but rejection, disappointment and anger. Why not dream a little smaller and produce something that you love...something that just might outlive you.

Why aren't you producing something today? Why are you spending all your time trying to please the gatekeepers? All you have to do is reach out and the audience will be there, waiting for you. You don't need anyone's permission to make your own show, your own art, your own life.

So, why aren't you podcasting?

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At 1:02 PM, Blogger bgawk said...

Probably because I feel that no one is interested in what I would say!


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