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Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Rube Goldberg Lives! - Incredible Machines (video)

Make Magazine links to these truly incredible videos available over at Google Video. There are nearly 13 minutes of Rube Goldberg-ian rapture.

Sometimes it is easy to see if something is cool or not. As of this post, my son has been absolutely enthralled with these videos for almost an hour, watching them again and again. I have been trying to figure out how some of the sections work and I am seeing methods I have never seen before. There is one built with magnets that is absolutely amazing.

Definitely a "must see!"

Incredible Machines (video)

There are a ton of new videos from Japan on Google video of Rube Goldberg-like machines - [via] - Link - [Read this article]

(Via MAKE: Blog.)

Link: Rube Goldberg books and more

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At 2:07 PM, Blogger Todd said...

Now you know how film is made!

Need to add in some chemistry and temperture controls and this is my life.



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