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Sunday, April 30, 2006

Problems using Doppler and our feeds?

Something to be aware of, if you use Doppler with a FeedBurner created RSS feed.

I have had several Doppler users email me recently that they were unable to access my feed for Career-Op. I thought perhaps there were some errors in the RSS, and their were some minor ones, but after installing Doppler here and seeing the error logs, it appeared to be something much worse. After a bit of tinkering, I have found the problem and reported it to FeedBurner.

If you have "Feed item link clicks (clickthrough tracking)" turned on in your FB feed, it re-writes the link URLs to something like http://feeds.feedburner.com/career?m=402. This allows them to collect clickthroughs on each post.

Unfortunately. Doppler sees this URL as an error and refuses to download any items.

Turning off this feature, restores their ability to receive the files, though. I am disabling it in all my FB feeds until the issue is resolved. You can find this option by clicking on the Standard Stats button along the left side of your "Analyze" page on FeedBurner.

Just a heads up in case you were being denied your regular dose of Career Opportunities and didn't know why? (SMILE)


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