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Tuesday, February 21, 2006

When is "Ad-friendlier UI" an end-user feature?

I got an email from GotVoice.com today. This is a service that polls your voice mail and then forwards them via email or download so you can store them for later reference. I don't use the service much, but I thought I would try it out.

In today's announcement (excerpt below) the first, new feature mentioned is "Ad-friendlier UI." Now, as an end-user I certainly couldn't care less about their Ad UI and would scarcely consider it one of the top new features they could offer. Perhaps they should have moved #2, New and improved user interface, to the top?

The only reason I decided to write about this is, even with my limited PR knowledge, I can tell this has no place in a customer-focused mailing. It is such an egregious PR failure that it truly stuck out. I guess you can learn about PR both from the good examples and the bad, though. I'll certainly keep this email in mind when writing up my own press releases.

"GotVoice update summary:

* Ad-friendlier UI – Remember that it is our ad-sponsors who enable GotVoice to be available FREE at absolutely no cost to you. We hope that you enjoy our service, and the ads we serve. ?
* New and improved user interface – Our updated look and feel makes it easier than ever to use GotVoice and enjoy all the cool features we offer."


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