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Sunday, February 19, 2006

Video - Sepulveda Wildlife Area Bird Walk

We had a fun, if a bit wet, bird walk at the Sepulveda Wildlife Area yesterday afternoon. We saw many different species and hundreds of birds of all types. Click on the photo to view a short video of our walk.

I will be putting together an audio podcast of our adventure, with more detail and an interview with our leader, Keri, in the next week or so.

You can join Keri on similar birdwalks in the next few weeks. Visit this post for more information.

Link: Sepulveda Wildlife Area Bird Walk Video
Link: Upcoming Bird Walks with Keri
Link: Great Backyard Birdcount Web Site
Link: Related info on birds from WelchWrite.com
Link: Books on Birdwatching

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At 6:30 PM, Blogger melawshe said...

Thanks, Douglas for a great video and posting for the GBBC!


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