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Saturday, February 11, 2006

Microsoft Anti-Spyware Removes Norton Anti-Virus

It seems the MS AntiSpyware has developed a problem with Norton Anti-Virus and attempts to remove it, according to this Salshdot story and discussion. For now, if Microsoft Antispyware asks you to remove Norton products, answer "No". That said, read below for some more advice.

I have become less and less happy with Norton's products over the last 2 years as they have been causing several issues with users who have disabled their entire Internet connection, outgoing email and more.

(See this previous post, Norton Internet Security Problems and its associated reader comments - Douglas)

Symantec software is suffering from tremendous software bloat and is becoming increasing invasive and annoying. Where I might have recommended users upgrade their Norton Anti-Virus products when they expire, lately I am encouraging them to use a free solution called Clam Win.

Microsoft Anti-Spyware Removes Norton Anti-Virus An anonymous reader writes "According to a story over at Washingtonpost.com, the latest definitions file for Microsoft's Anti-Spyware beta flags Symantec's Norton Antivirus products as a password-stealing trojan and prompts users to delete portions of the program. Users who follow the instructions hose their installation of Norton, requiring delicate Windows registry edits and a complete removal/reinstall of Norton. Microsoft's support forum is quickly filling up with complaints about this problem, many from businesses that have been pretty hard hit. This should be a cautionary tale about deploying beta products in production environments."

(Via Slashdot.)

Link: Clam Win Antivirus
Link: Previous posts related to viruses

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