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Monday, January 23, 2006

The sounds of a dying/dead hard drive

Ever wanted to know what it sounds like when a hard drive is failing? Here is your chance. If these noises don't give you a reason to backup your files then nothing will.

Hard Drive Dying Dance Track Contest

DJ Hitachi Global Storage has dropped six new tracks on us. Head Stuck to Platter, Slow Spindle Motor, and Head Damage 1-4. Yep, these are all the authentic sounds of hard drives experiencing meltdowns. Or, as Hitachi artfully puts it: "There are various noises that may indicate a failing hard drive. If you are experiencing any of the noises, please contact the technical support center at: 888-426-5214"

(Via Gizmodo.)

Link: Previous mentions of backups
Link: Maxtor OneTouch Backup Drive

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