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Thursday, January 26, 2006

Japanese Garden Mini-Tour - Video and Photos

Note: I am releasing this both here and in the feed for A Gardener's Notebook as it is local to LA and also about gardening. --Douglas

As I was returning from a computer training client this afternoon I made a short detour by the Glendale-Higashioska Friendship Garden and Tea Room near the Brand Library in Glendale, California, 1601 W Mountain St, Glendale, 91201 - (818) 548-2051

I used to work near this park and often took my lunches here, enjoying its calming influence before heading back to my cubicle.

Today, I shot some video and put together the first AGN "mini-tour". I will be creating a series of these videos over the next year and beyond. I would love to hear your comments about the video, the still pictures and the garden itself. You can leave your thoughts by clicking the "comments" link below.

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Music: Silk Route by Satya

Music for this video podcast provided from the PodShow Podsafe Music Network. Check it out at music.podshow.com.

Link: AGN Mini-Tour 001 - Friendship Garden Video
Link: AGN Mini-Tour 001 - Friendship Garden Photos
Link: Previous mentions of Japanese Gardens
Link: Books on Japanese Gardens

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