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Friday, January 20, 2006

Geek to Live: Lifehacker Pack

Wow! Gina over at Lifehacker just keeps turning out great information. Here is her collection of indispensable, and mainly free, tools that gets her through her work day.

I have used mainly, if not all of these products and heartily concur on her recommendations. Due to the cost of many commercial programs I am moving to more open source, freeware and shareware programs than ever before.

If you need to be productive without blowing your budget, this list gives you a great place to start.

Geek to Live: Lifehacker Pack by Gina Trapani

Recently Google released a collection of free software for Windows called Google Pack. The big G made some good applications choices for the Pack and a couple of atrocious ones (RealPlayer *cough* Norton *cough*).

Coincidentally, a year ago, when Lifehacker was still just a turkey in the oven, my publisher and I discussed releasing a CD of the best free software. We never got around to it, but if we did, here's a list of applications I'd include in Lifehacker Pack. [Continue Reading]

(Via Lifehacker.)

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