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Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Autry National Center releases audio guides as "podcasts"

While they seem a little hazy on the meaning of the word "podcast" the Autry National Center in Los Angeles has released their new museum audio tours as downloadable files that can be loaded into any MP3 player.

This seems like a great, new attitude on behalf of museums and I would love to see more do the same. Of course, you can always make your own audio tour of your favorite museum, art gallery or historic site and share it with the world, too.
The Autry National Center is offering adults and children a whole new way to explore our galleries with audio tours. Visitors can choose the artifacts or works of art you want to learn more about and hear brief presentations, with quotes, music and sound effects to inspire a closer look. Families will find specially created scripts to help them talk about what they see, think about key moments in time and learn about the history of the American West.

Link: Autry National Center Audio Tours
See also: Previous posts about the Autry National Center
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