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Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Apple releases iTunes 4.9 (Windows and Mac) with podcasting support

If you have been wondering what all this Podcast talk is about, life just got a whole lot simpler. The latest iTunes from Apple now includes an easy way find and subscribe to podcasts, all within iTunes itself!

You can download the new iTunes directly from Apple by visiting http://apple.com/itunes/. Once installed, you will notice a new "Podcasts" entry along the lefthand side. Click this, then click the Podcast Directory link at the bottom of the window and you will enter the world of podcasts from around the world.

You will also find a new Podcasts link in the iTunes Music Store.

Do a search for "Career" and you will find my Career Opportunities podcast. They also list the "Top 100" and many highlighted podcasts. You can then sample the podcast or subscribe to the podcast and have each new show automatically downlaoded to your computer...adn then to your iPod, if you have one.

Remember, you need to download the new version of iTunes before you access the podcasts.

Saturday, June 25, 2005

Look up, look up!

Never miss an opportunity to notice the sky above your head, even here in light-blighted Los Angeles. You can get your own report directly from the URL below.

From the Griffith Park Observatory Sky Report...

Venus, Mercury, Saturn grouped in sky

This weekend the planets Venus, Mercury, and Saturn are grouped very closely together in the evening sky, and this is a wonderful opportunity to see three planets clustered tightly. It is also one of the best opportunities you will ever have to see the elusive planet Mercury.

Face west between 8:45 and 9:15 p.m., and you'll see Venus shining as the brilliant "evening star." A very short distance below Venus is the planet Saturn, which is 1-1/4 degrees to the lower left of Venus. An even shorter distance from Venus is the planet Mercury. On Saturday night, Mercury is 1/2 degree to the lower right of Venus, and the two planets are so close that the full moon would not fit between them. You can see all three planets at once through binoculars. On Sunday night, Mercury is even closer -- just 1/6 of a degree from Venus -- and you can see the two planets simultaneously through a telescope. On Monday night Mercury is the same distance to the left of Venus, and on Tuesday nighty they begin to slowly

The sky is too light before 8:45 p.m. to see the planets well, and after 9:15 they are too low to see easily. Observe from a location with a clear western horizon, and use binoculars if you have them.

Details are given in the weekly Sky Report, which you can hear 24/7 by calling 323-663-8171, or read a transcript at http://www.GriffithObs.org/skyreport.html. Diagrams that show the planets' positions are also at the web site.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Madeleine Bistro Web Site

Our friends organic, vegetarian, vegan restaurant, Madeleine Bistro, now has its own web site, courtesy of yours truly.

It just has the basic information at the moment (hours, location, telephone, menus), but we will be growing it as quickly as we can. Check back regularly for new information. You can also watch the RSS feed for the site at: http://madeleinebistro.com/index.xml.

By the way, I had the Asian Tacos for lunch the other day and they were fabulous. I am slowly working my way through the entire menu. (SMILE)

Web Site: madeleinebistro.com

Monday, June 20, 2005


Looking for a new, funky method of displaying photos on your web site? Check out the Polaroid-o-nizer. It takes any photo and generates a cute Polaroid version, including a handwritten-style caption that you provide.

Turn your digital image into a Polaroid

Web service Polaroid-o-nizer turns digital images into a titled Polaroid with a hand-written message. Enter the image URL, text, rotation angle and voila! Instant Polaroid. Especially good for goofy snapshots.


(Via Lifehacker.)

Saturday, June 18, 2005

More wireless distance?

If you really need to get away from your office and into the "back 40" this antennae for the Mac iBook might just help you out. The manufacturer claims that it can allow you to connect up to 200 yards from your wireless base station. There are similar units for Windows PCs, too.

New: QuickerTek antenna for iBooks QuickerTek released a 5.5dBi External Airport Antenna compatible with all Apple iBooks.

(Via MacInTouch: Mac news, information and analysis.)

Friday, June 17, 2005

Drawn to this Drawing Tutorial

I always try to find time to practice my drawing skills and a great tutorial is sure to bring me to the sketchbook. This site is a great overview in the shapes and proportions of the human body.

Pardon me while I slip away with my pencil and pad for a few minutes (SMILE)

How to Draw People

Polykarbon offers tutorials in Manga/Comic Art style drawing, but has a good page of basic instruction for drawing people.

(Via PigPog Blog.)

Tuesday, June 14, 2005


What is there not to love about catapults? Maybe it is the boy in me, but there is a definite thrill to hurling objects long distances using only the power of humans or animals. Catapults give you an understanding of the power of gravity and other natural forces in such a direct fashion.

I have seen several television shows detailing the difficulties of constructing full-size catapults and marvel at the inventiveness of those who first conceived, built and used them.

Have a fling! Build a catapult!

How to Build a Catapult

Resource, links and kits for building your own thing to launch other things. Here is a collection of what plans we've been able to collect from around the web. These are compiled from several sources by many people. Some are suitable for physics projects, and some are for more serious hobbyists. You'll have to figure out which ones are right for you. Link.

(Via MAKE: Blog.)

Monday, June 13, 2005

Ten Simple Digital Photography Tips

Even family snapshots can benefit from a bit of advice. These 10 tips will help to improve your chances of getting good pictures... and maybe even great ones.

Ten simple digital photography tips : Lifehacker

(Via del.icio.us/tag/photography.)

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Apple Mac OS X Security Update

The latest Apple Security Update is now available via the Software Update system preference. If your system doesn't automatically check for updates, you can load it manually there.

Security Update 2005-006 delivers a number of security enhancements and is recommended for all Macintosh users. This update includes the following components:



For detailed information on this Update, please visit this website: http://www.info.apple.com/kbnum/n61798

Friday, June 10, 2005

Creative Thinking Aid - Free the Genie Cards

I have a couple of decks such as the one mentioned below and often use them for generating column ideas for Career Opportunities: The High-Tech Career Handbook. After 8 years (and soon starting the 9th) it helps to have some tools about to prime the pump every now and then.

I really like that you can play around with this deck using the web site. What a great "try-before-you-buy" idea for a real-world product.

"Free the Genie" deck of idea cards

"...Consulting company Creative Thinking's got a set of 55 "Free the Genie" creative thinking cards on sale for 20 bucks. The cards consist of "55 ways to get unstuck," so when you're grinding away on a problem and going nowhere, pick a card, contemplate its advice and get a new perspective on your dilemma. If anything, the Free the Genie deck's a nice little gift for the creative types in your company. A web-based form of the game is available for you to liberate your genie for free. Free the Genie [Creative Thinking]

(Via Lifehacker.)

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Let Beethoven's music ring free!

Wow! While I have several of the symphonies on CD, what a great resource for hearing some different performances and making this music accessible to almost anyone. A great use of the Internet.

Every note of Beethoven's symphonies as a free MP3 download at the BBC

Cory Doctorow: The BBC is releasing all nine of Beethoven's symphonies (five are up now) as unencumbered MP3s. Link

(via Plastic Bag)

Update: Thanks to Matt for pointing out that old Ludwig Van wrote non-symphonic music too -- I've amended the entry title

(Via Boing Boing.)

Saturday, June 04, 2005

New Apple Mac OS X Updates

Three updates from Apple today. Check your Software Update System Preference to download.

If you use QuickTime Pro, note the cautionary note included below.

Here is the info from Apple...

* QuickTime 7.0.1 provides several important bug fixes, a security enhancement, and improved compatibility with Final Cut Studio. This update is recommended for all QuickTime 7 users. For detailed information on the security enhancement, please visit this website:


Important Notice to QuickTime Pro Users

Installation of QuickTime 7 will disable the QuickTime Pro functionality in prior versions of QuickTime, such as QuickTime 5 or QuickTime 6. If you proceed with this installation, you must purchase a new QuickTime 7 Pro key to regain QuickTime Pro functionality. After installation, visit www.apple.com/quicktime to purchase a QuickTime 7 Pro key.

* Pages 1.0.2 addresses issues with page navigation and organization.

* Keynote 2.0.2 corrects a security issue. For detailed information on this Update, please visit this website: http://www.info.apple.com/kbnum/n61798

Thursday, June 02, 2005

FREE Computer Question-and-Answer Sessions

As noted below in its own section, as of this Thursday, June 2nd, I am re-starting my FREE computer question-and-answer sessions at the Sherman Oaks Branch of the LA Public Library.

Each night I present 1 or 2 interesting items, then open the floor for questions from the group. Whatever your needs, bring along your questions and try to stump me!

If you have friends who have thought about hiring me, they can come and enjoy a free "taste" of how I work and see if my methods mesh with their learning style.


All classes begin at 6:30 pm

June 2, June 16, June 30 and on-going every 2 weeks

The Sherman Oaks Branch of the Los Angeles Public Library is located at:

14245 Moorpark Street, Sherman Oaks, CA, 818-205-9716 -- [Map]

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Live and on-screen -- computer show-and-tell, question-and-answer podcast

Christiaan Stoudt over at HomeNetworkHelp.info is having a special event this coming Saturday (June 11) and you don't even need to leave home to participate. Through the magic of the Internet and GoToMeeting.com, Christiaan will demonstrate a variety of software and answer your questions.

Here is the info, direct from HomeNetworkHelp.info...

Throughout the summer I will be having live interactive shows for anyone that is interested. These live shows will take place online and use the GoToMeeting software to allow people to see my desktop as I do a podcast and cover home network and computer related topics. There will be a live audio stream that people can listen to, as well as, an IRC chat room allowing everyone to chat and ask me questions. Each show will run from 40 minutes or until we decide to stop.

For those participating in the events I will have gifts as well as a promotion code to allow you to get an 30 days extended trial license for the GoToMeeting software.

Please use the registration form on the right to sign up for my live show, since space is limited. This will allow me to contact you with more informaion. I promise your information is for me alone and will not be sold to any parties.

Show Schedule

Show #1: Saturday, June 11th, 2005 at 10:30 am PST.

Show Topic #1: Removing spyware/malware in 4 simple steps and keeping it off your computer without having to spend any money!

Show Topic #2: Another of our very popular multi-part series. Over 3 live events we will cover how to install, secure, and manage your first linux server. This server can be used for anything like a file, web, ftp, media center, etc. There will be information for all levels of computer experienced people.