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Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Event: Los Angeles Harbor Holiday Afloat Parade

Los Angeles Harbor Holiday Afloat Parade

This annual parade of lighted and decorated boats is a festive start to the
holiday season. Public viewing areas along the Main Channel including
Banning’s Landing (100 E. Water St.), Los Angeles Maritime Museum
(Berth 84), and Ports O’Call in San Pedro (Berth 76-79).

W H E N : December 3, 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
S I T E : Port of Los Angeles Main Channel, San Pedro
C O S T : Free
S P O N S O R : L.A. Harbor Holiday Afloat Committee
I N F O : 310-549-8111, 1-800-831-PORT

From the Los Angeles Cultural Affairs Department Festival Guide


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