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Wednesday, October 12, 2005

WelchWrite News - OpenOffice

WelchWrite News -- October 12, 2005


OpenOffice - http://OpenOffice.org - A free software suite

Very few of us use all the features of Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Access). I would estimate that I use only a small fraction and I use MS Office nearly every day.

MS Office can also be extremely expensive for the average computer user. A recent trip to a local Staples showed the current price for the complete MS Office Professional Edition at over $400! Standard editions are available for around $229.

For those of you who just want to use your computer, and yet still be able to share files with MS Office users...and have it all for FREE, there is OpenOffice.

OpenOffice is an entire suite of programs that duplicate the functionality of the programs included in MS Office, including Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Access, but in a free, open-source , downloadable package.

There are versions of OpenOffice available for nearly every computer platform. You can download the suite directly from the web site or order a CD for a nominal fee. You can learn more about OpenOffice from their web site. If you would like to try OpenOffice, let's setup an appointment to download and install on your PC today.


I will be highlighting more free software in upcoming posts.


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