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Thursday, October 27, 2005

Friends in Tech Focuses on Technology Podcasting, Friendship and Fun

Friends in Tech Focuses on Technology Podcasting, Friendship and Fun

Bothell, WA (PRWEB) October 27, 2005 -- Friends in Tech (FiT), a new alliance of technology podcasters, have joined for the express purpose of cross-pollination, cross-promotion and, most importantly, fun. Today, with the launch of their new website, combined discussion groups and exclusive content, Friends in Tech makes “one out of many.”

Founder, Kevin Devin, host of In The Trenches: The Podcast for SysAdmins, personally selected the other Friends in Tech members, discovering in each of them a desire to provide their listeners with the best technology information while enjoying the fellowship of like-minded podcasters and the benefits that brings to all.

“We are an oxymoronic group of podcasters -- loose, but tight-knit -- individual, but also a cohesive group. Each podcast remains their own show, but with each helping fellow members however we can. Collectively, we each bring with us certain special talents. There are no "assigned" positions, we all pitch in where and when we can, for the mutual benefit of the group,” says Devin.

Friends in Tech members are regular guests on other members' podcasts, bringing their unique knowledge, talent and insights to a new audience of listeners. Members also join together to create exclusive content for the Friends In Tech website, including FiT Tips, a collection of short audio hints to help ease listener’s computer life, Retro-FiT, a regular podcast review of all Friends In Tech podcasts and, just in time for Halloween, a special entitled “The Server Room of Horrors,” a bit of light-hearted, technology-based, fun.

Despite their focus on technology, each Friends In Tech podcast provides a unique view of the high-tech world that surrounds everyday life. Together with Devin’s In The Trenches with co-host George Starcher (http://kevindevin.com), fellow members include ChuckChat Technorama with Chuck Tomasi and Kreg Steppe (http://chuckchat.com), The Typical PC User podcast (http://typicalpcuser.com), hosted by Victor Caijo, Career Opportunities: The High-Tech Career Handbook (http://welchwrite.com/career) with Douglas E. Welch, Steve Holden’s Tech Rag Tear-Outs and Tech Tidbits Daily (http://technewsradio.com) and the Mike Tech Show with Mike Smith. (http://www.miketechshow.com/)


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