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Thursday, July 21, 2005

Off-street bike paths in LA

blogging.la links to an excellent site offering info and maps of off-street bike paths available in the LA area. Maybe as soon as this heat abates (maybe...January?) you can leave the car behind for a while and take a nice two-wheeled trip.

Where to get your Bikeage on sean bonner: I'm pretty sure this is new, or at least newish, or perhaps fairly new, at the least recently updated. LA Bike Paths is a map/collection of "Class I" bike paths around LA and north OC. "Class I" is a fancy-dancy way of saying "paved" I think. Anyway you can check out the paths, join a bike-riding-mailing-list or check out a grip of bike-links. It's biketastic!

(Via Blogging.LA.)


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