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Wednesday, July 06, 2005

LA Time Machines

This is a great post and great link to latimemachines.com, a nice collection of restaurants that take you back to a time when restaurants were individual, quirky and offered something beyond the food.

LA Time Machines

A website called LA Time Machines gives a glimpse at Los Angeles history via its restaurants. What makes a rastaurant a time machine? From the site:

Here are some tell tale signs of great time machines -- at least the bars and restaurants: Semicircular leather booths (usually red), a well worn wooden bar, free appetizers already on the table before you sit down, waiters with uniforms, old analog cash registers and no TVs to be found (my biggest pet peeve), coin machines in the bathroom, lots of wood in the interior, a dark ambiance, indirect lighting, an old jukebox, tropical drinks, thick and heavy coffee cups, an original neon sign out front, fresh baked rolls or sourdough bread, and so on. You know the kind of place I'm talking about.

Complete with pictures and descriptions, the restaurant page will whisk you away to a bygone era.

(Via la.foodblogging.)


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